Medical Technologist (MT) - Core Lab - Beavercreek - PT/Days
Kettering Health - Beavercreek, OH

Medical Technologist (MT) - Core Lab - Beavercreek - PT/Days

company building Kettering Health location Beavercreek, OH
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Medical Technologist
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Job Description


Kettering Health is a not-for-profit system of 13 medical centers and more than 120 outpatient facilities serving southwest Ohio. We are committed to transforming the health care experience with high-quality care for every stage of life. Our service-oriented mission is in action every day, whether it’s by providing care in our facilities, training the next generation of health care professionals, or serving others through international outreach.

Department Overview

The Medical Technologist (MT)/Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) is responsible for the performance of laboratory testing and quality control that require the exercise of independent judgment and responsibility. The MT/MLS understands the underlying scientific principles of laboratory testing as well as the technical, procedural, and problem-solving aspects. The technologist has a general comprehension of the many factors that affect health and disease, and recognizes the importance of proper test selection, the numerous causes of discrepant test results (patient and laboratory), deviations of test results and ethics. Under Medical Director supervision, performs a full range of chemical, microbiologic, immunologic, hematologic and immunohematologic laboratory procedures which he/she has been deemed competent to perform. May review work of MLTs, clinical lab assistants and students. Performs waived, moderately complex, and highly complex testing as defined by CLIA. Authorized to perform procedures in all areas trained as documented in the employee records. Performs other duties as assigned.

Responsibilities & Requirements

Job Responsibilities: 

• Performs accurate testing, recognizing abnormal or unusual results. Reports timely results accurately, inwriting, verbally, by fax or computer. Notifies appropriate persons as necessary. Performs and records instrument checks, and quality control. Performs routine equipment maintenance and calibration. Identifies QC issues and initiates proper corrective action. Follows instruction for analyzer operation and reagent preparation. Documents and notifies lab leadership appropriately.

• Demonstrates current knowledge of computer functions and departmental policies and procedures. Actively engages in laboratory communications and staff meetings.

• Properly prepares samples for testing, including proper labeling, specimen preservation and transport and safe handling techniques.

• Demonstrates and understands the appropriate handling and reporting of proficiency samples.

• Notifies appropriate care giver by telephone of critical results and corrected results and documents notification in accordance with policy.

• Organizes and sets priorities to complete work assignments in a timely manner. Able to multitask.

• Teaches procedures for which he/she is deemed competent and evaluates trainees using established forms or examinations. Understands and applies theory of disease process to testing and test results.

• Understands and performs accuracy, precision, and correlation studies for new and/or existing assays.

• Provides assistance in areas such as: work schedules, student and staff training, supply inventory, purchasing, performance improvement, and compliance plan. Performs other duties as assigned.

Job Qualifications: 

A baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college/university including courses in biological science, chemistry and mathematics AND successful completion of a NAACLS accredited Medical Laboratory Science program or BS/BA program in related science that meets requirements for certification.

Preferred Qualifications

MT (ASCP) or current (ASCP) preferred Other certification equivalent to MT/MLS (ASCP) or ASCP in the categoricalist level in academic and clinical requirements preferred (ASCP) categoricalist certification and a BS or BA in related science ASCP certification to be obtained within one year of hire preferred.


Knowledge and ability to perform testing with accuracy appropriate to the sections in which they work. Knowledge of standardization and quality control theory and ability to troubleshoot without preset criteria. Understanding of safety regulations, regulatory requirements, and statistical methods. Ability to communicate effectively with patients, hospital personnel and physicians.

This job was posted on Tue Oct 24 2023 and expired on Thu Nov 09 2023.
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Medical Technologist Interview Questions & Answers

What experience do you have working in a medical laboratory?


I have 3 years of experience working in a medical laboratory, performing various tests and analyzing results.


About the Medical Technologist role

Clinical Laboratory Technicians Medical Technologist

As Mediсаl Teсhnоlоgists we рrоvide infоrmаtiоn fоr diаgnоsis, treаtment, аnd рreventiоn оf diseаse by соnduсting mediсаl lаbоrаtоry tests, research, exрeriments, аnd аnаlyses. Our daily tasks include determining nоrmаl аnd аbnоrmаl соmроnents in bоdy fluids by соnduсting сhemiсаl аnаlyses оf blооd, urine, sрinаl fluids, аnd gаstriс juiсes аnd аnаlyzing blооd сells by соunting аnd identifying сells using miсrоsсорiс teсhniques. Preраring blооd, рlаsmа, аnd рlаtelets fоr trаnsfusiоns by соnduсting blооd grоuр, tyрe, аnd соmраtibility tests is also included in our job description. We are also responsible for ensuring that the орerаtiоn оf аnаlyzers, sрeсtrорhоtоmeters, соlоrimeters, flаme рhоtоmeters, аnd оther lаbоrаtоry equiрment is in order by regularly соmрleting рreventive mаintenаnсe requirements; fоllоwing mаnufасturer's instruсtiоns; trоubleshооting mаlfunсtiоns; саlling fоr reраirs when needed; keeping track of equiрment inventоries; as well as evаluаting new equiрment.

Core tasks:

  • mаintаin lаbоrаtоry suррlies inventоry
  • рrоvide mediсаl teсhnоlоgy infоrmаtiоn
  • conduct medical laboratory tests and experiments
  • analyze samples and provide reports
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