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AWP Based in Northeast Ohio, Area Wide Protective (AWP), is a rapidly growing national safety services provider committed to protecting our customers people, business, and time. AWP is Americas Traffic Control Leader, representing nearly every major public utility: electric, gas and telecommunications. Area Wide Protective has been the leading provider and innovator of traffic control solutions since our inception in 1993. Our main goal is to improve processes by continually establishing best practices for productivity and cost effectiveness. Driving added value to our customers through the talented execution of our employees and the pursuit to provide extraordinary service for our customers is what has built our company and its national reputation for integrity.

$100M to $500M
Multiple locations
Business Support Companies, Investigation / Security Companies, Appliance & Electric Manufacturers, Niche Manufacturers, Consulting Companies, Appliance & Electronics Companies, Appliances & Electronics Wholesalers

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Division Manager
Irving, TX - January 18, 2023
Chastised for emailing. Thank you. Yes, you're reading correctly
Professional growth
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Maintenance of assets has been neglegeted for years. No maintenance program was in place upon arrival. Even though it took years of neglete to equipment, its expected to have back in order in less tham 90 days. VP actually asked why I say " Thank you" on emails when responding. Yes, you read that correctly. Each location is operated with its own company policies even though its 1 company. Your held responsible for employees lack of communication, direction and lack of getting job done even though said wmployees do not report to you. Yes! Again? Younread that correctly.

Pros and Cons
Good salary
Senior Management shoots then aims, on decisions
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When was Area Wide Protective established?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What industry does Area Wide Protective fall under?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Falls under Engineering/Architecture
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What is the annual revenue of Area Wide Protective?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
$100m to $500m.
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