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Chesterfield Services is a licensed home care company founded in 1996, serving the Healthcare & Hospital industry based in Green, Ohio. They provide an easily accessible, comprehensive, and integrated system of home healthcare. They ensure affordable care by working with insurance and community-centered, culturally appropriate state programs. They aim to be the home health care provider of choice to assist the seniors and recognize the independence supported by caring service, respect, and trust by realizing the quality of life. They hire all the time and employees many caregivers across Washington and retain them longer. They recognize their hard-working employees and reward them in a supportive working environment according to their performance. They also provide generous benefits that include medical, dental, vision coverage, skills upgrade, paid vacations, and continuing education. Applicants have to pass some verifications before being employed.

Company - Private
$25M to $50M
Multiple locations
General Hospitals, Outpatient Care Centers
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Real Estate Firms
Medium size
General Hospitals
Small size
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What industry does Chesterfield Services operate in?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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What companies are similar to Chesterfield Services?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
AMLI Residential, Compass Health, Covenant Care, CRISTA Ministries, Greystar, Leisure Care, Publicis, SEIU.
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How much revenue does Chesterfield Services generate?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
$25m to $50m.
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