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DevTech was established in 1984 by Jorge Sanguinetty, Ph.D. It has grown from a Latin America and Caribbean consulting company to an agile and strategically strong firm with deep experience in every region of the globe. DevTech combines deep methodological expertise in economics, data processing, finance, and social sciences with cutting-edge technical solutions in project development, implementation, and performance management and evaluation. DevTech has worked on long- and short-term initiatives for over two dozen government agencies, multilateral development institutions, subnational governments, and private sector organization in over 100 countries. The company's headquarters are in Rosslyn, Virginia, and it has branches in Nigeria, Zambia, and Indonesia.

Company - Private
$5M to $10M
Multiple locations
Grantmaking & Charity Organizations, Religious Organizations, Social Advocacy Organizations

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Individual consultant
October 24, 2023
Exciting and interesting experience. I wish to have another opportunity
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I was hired when I was in Kenya to work remotely qith two other researchers to co-research on public financial management reform in fragile states using Liberia as a case. It was an exciting experience with lots to learn.

Pros and Cons
It takes time to provide information on final product publication
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Discussion about DevTech Systems

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When was DevTech Systems founded?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What industry does DevTech Systems fall under?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Falls under Engineering/Architecture, Sales, Executive Management, Non-Profit/Volunteering
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Where is DevTech Systems’s HQ?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Arlington, VA.
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How much revenue does DevTech Systems generate?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
$5m to $10m.
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