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The Kenaitze Indian Tribe changed into federally identified as a sovereign, impartial country in 1971 below the Indian Reorganization Act as amended for Alaska. Today, they've got greater than 1600 tribal contributors who stay throughout the Kenai Peninsula and beyond. They appoint approximately three hundred complete-time and part-time employees. The tribe provides loads of packages and offerings that sell the wellbeing of their human beings and the community. They additionally function a tribal justice machine, early youth schooling center, Elders center, social offerings program, and greater. With approximately three hundred complete-time, part-time and seasonal employees, the Kenaitze Indian Tribe gives an extensive variety of profession paths. They location a unique emphasis on hiring Tribal Members, Alaska Native and American Indian human beings, in addition to grow focus approximately Dena’ina language and culture.

Multiple locations
Grantmaking & Charity Organizations, Religious Organizations, Social Advocacy Organizations

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When was Kenaitze Indian Tribe founded?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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What industry does Kenaitze Indian Tribe fall under?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Government/Civil Service/Military.
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What companies are similar to Kenaitze Indian Tribe?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Bristol Bay Native Corporation, Calista Corporation, Cook Inlet Region Inc, NANA Management Services, National Congress of American Indians, Petro Star.
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