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Live Trends Design Group is a fast-growing company that specializes in the design, marketing, and distribution of unique home decor products for the North American mass market. Many of our products feature high-end accessories, pottery, and living plants. Our customers are some of the largest retail chains in the USA and Canada.

Company - Private
$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Advertising / PR Agencies, Design Firms

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July 4, 2022
Bragging about culture and "team as family" but it only applies to a select few in the company.
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The company could be great if they had different people managing it. No communication, conflicting direction between CEO and his direct reports. No manners with employees. They think they're all that, but it is a toxic environment. Total shame!

Pros and Cons
Peers are a great bunch of people.
Management is not qualified no long-term strategy. Change course all the time.
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Discussion about LiveTrends Design Group

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What year was LiveTrends Design Group founded?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What industry is LiveTrends Design Group in?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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Has LiveTrends Design Group disclosed its yearly revenue numbers? If so, how much do they make?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Yes! LiveTrends Design Group makes $10m to $25m per year.
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