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Senior Services Southwest Michigan is a non-profit agency with a mission to enhance and promote the independence and well-being of older adults, adults with disabilities and those that care for them. We are a community service organization with a legacy of concern and care for senior citizens and others with like problems. Senior Services develops a community awareness of potentialities and problems of those citizens, and provides services to improve their health, ability to live independently, and lead active lives in the community. We provide vital, life sustaining services to our clients.We have a further commitment as a good community citizen with a reputation for honesty, integrity and fairness in its relationship with its employees.  We are an equal opportunity employer.We are a CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Services) accredited agency. CARF is a non-profit organization that reviews and grants accreditation services nationally and internationally. Their standards are rigorous to ensure that services delivered are quality and deliver the best possible outcomes.