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The North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Research Triangle Park is a non-profit, public-private partnership organization (North Carolina, United States). It was the first state-sponsored biotechnology program in the United States, founded in 1984 by the North Carolina General Assembly, which combined the interests of the private and public academic sectors. Through promoting biotechnology research, industry, education and strategic policy, the North Carolina Biotechnology Center provides North Carolina with economic and societal benefits. It receives almost all of its funding from the general assembly of North Carolina. The organization gives its workers decent job and packages, such as health insurance, residential facilities, retirement plans, performance incentives and preparation for employees.

$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Grantmaking & Charity Organizations, Religious Organizations, Social Advocacy Organizations
Doug Edgeton


Professional experience

How many years of experience do North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees have before joining?
Years of experience at North Carolina Biotechnology Center: Newcomers: 14%, Experiencers: 14%, Experts: 20%, Veterans: 52%. North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before North Carolina Biotechnology Center: Affinergy , Inc., Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, North Carolina Department of Commerce. Typical North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees have worked at Affinergy , Inc..
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Affinergy , Inc.
Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity
North Carolina Department of Commerce
What industries did North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of North Carolina Biotechnology Center: Colleges / Universities, Social Advocacy Organizations, General Hospitals, Consulting Companies, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers. North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees most likely come from a Colleges / Universities industry background.
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Where did North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at North Carolina Biotechnology Center: Small: 49%, Medium: 12%, Large: 39%. Most North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at North Carolina Biotechnology Center study?
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Where did employees at North Carolina Biotechnology Center study?
East Carolina University
Montana State University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at North Carolina Biotechnology Center?
Time employed at North Carolina Biotechnology Center: <1: 10%, 1-3: 22%, 4-8: 23%, 9-13: 27%, 14-20: 13%, 20+: 5%. Most North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees stay with the company for 9-13 years which is more than the industry average.
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How does North Carolina Biotechnology Center rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at North Carolina Biotechnology Center: 57.4% Male and 42.6% Female. Age ratio at North Carolina Biotechnology Center: 16-20: 3%, 21-30: 8%, 31-40: 16%, 41-50: 27%, 51-60: 32%, 60+: 14%. North Carolina Biotechnology Center rates - 7.4% less female than the industry average. Most North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees are 51-60, which is above the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at North Carolina Biotechnology Center?
Top roles of North Carolina Biotechnology Center: Vice President, Executive Director, Program Manager, Senior Director, Research Analyst. The top role at North Carolina Biotechnology Center is Vice President.
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Vice President
Executive Director
Program Manager
Senior Director
Research Analyst

Career advancement

How does North Carolina Biotechnology Center rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at North Carolina Biotechnology Center: high. North Carolina Biotechnology Center ranks high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do North Carolina Biotechnology Center employees go on to work at?
Future employers of North Carolina Biotechnology Center: Adaptive Risk Systems Inc, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, American University in Cairo, Communities In Schools, IQVIA. People who work at North Carolina Biotechnology Center most typically go on to work for the Adaptive Risk Systems Inc.
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Adaptive Risk Systems Inc
Alexandria Real Estate Equities
American University in Cairo
Communities In Schools