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The Tile Shop, Inc. provides variety of working opportunities. They provide a fast paced working environment. The company is also team oriented. They provide rewarding career in various fields that include distribution centers, corporate office, showrooms and warehouse. They have team of professionals that focus on creating the best class customer experience. They have dynamic and diverse working culture. They offer variety of benefits to their employees to support their employees financially. They also ensure professional development and growth of their employees. They take care of their employee health and well-being. They provide opportunity to individuals to enhance their skills. They value capable and hardworking individuals.

Company - Public
$100M to $500M
Multiple locations
Home Furnishing Retailers
Chris Homeister
What departments The Tile Shop, Inc. employees work at?
other occupation24.9%
Sales - Other20.5%
Sales Managers & Supervisors15.9%
General and Operations Managers13.3%
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Niche Retailers
Large size
Medium size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do The Tile Shop, Inc. employees have before joining?
Years of experience at The Tile Shop, Inc.: Newcomers: 24%, Experiencers: 21%, Experts: 24%, Veterans: 31%. The Tile Shop, Inc. employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did The Tile Shop, Inc. employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before The Tile Shop, Inc.: ADT, Floor & Decor, hhgregg. Typical The Tile Shop, Inc. employees have worked at ADT.
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Floor & Decor
What industries did The Tile Shop, Inc. employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of The Tile Shop, Inc.: Niche Retailers, Clothing Retailers, Food & Beverage Retailers, Retail - Building Material & Supply Companies, Full-Service Restaurants. The Tile Shop, Inc. employees most likely come from a Niche Retailers industry background.
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Where did The Tile Shop, Inc. employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at The Tile Shop, Inc.: Small: 41%, Medium: 10%, Large: 49%. Most The Tile Shop, Inc. employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at The Tile Shop, Inc. study?
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Where did employees at The Tile Shop, Inc. study?
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Montgomery College
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at The Tile Shop, Inc.?
Time employed at The Tile Shop, Inc.: <1: 14%, 1-3: 38%, 4-8: 39%, 9-13: 6%, 14-20: 3%, 20+: 0%. Most The Tile Shop, Inc. employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does The Tile Shop, Inc. rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at The Tile Shop, Inc.: 66.0% Male and 34.0% Female. Age ratio at The Tile Shop, Inc.: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 50%, 31-40: 31%, 41-50: 9%, 51-60: 7%, 60+: 3%. The Tile Shop, Inc. rates - 10.0% less female than the industry average. Most The Tile Shop, Inc. employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does The Tile Shop, Inc. rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at The Tile Shop, Inc.: low. The Tile Shop, Inc. ranks low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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What companies do The Tile Shop, Inc. employees go on to work at?
Future employers of The Tile Shop, Inc.: Bedrosians, Dal-Tile, Ethan Allen, Floor & Decor, Lowe's. People who work at The Tile Shop, Inc. most typically go on to work for the Bedrosians.
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Ethan Allen
Floor & Decor

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Showroom Manager
Rochelle Park, NJ - May 13, 2021
Long hours no pay
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
You stand and work 6 days a week for no pay only commission. Its a dead end job with no quality of life. Staff usually quits after 2-3 month's because there is no money to be made here.

Pros and Cons
Closed on Sundays
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Discussion about The Tile Shop, Inc.

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When was The Tile Shop, Inc. founded?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What’s the stock symbol of The Tile Shop, Inc.?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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What industry does The Tile Shop, Inc. belong to?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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gender breakdown at The Tile Shop, Inc.?
Liam Brown3 years ago
gender ratio is 34.0% female, 66.0% male.
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Where’s The Tile Shop, Inc.’s HQ located?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
The HQ is at Plymouth, MN.
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What’s The Tile Shop, Inc.’s yearly revenue?
Liam Brown3 years ago
$100m to $500m, i think
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Who is the CEO of The Tile Shop, Inc.?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Chris Homeister.
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How many years does an employee typically spend working for The Tile Shop, Inc.?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
An employee typically spends 4-8
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what kind of companies did The Tile Shop, Inc. employees work for?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Large companies before The Tile Shop, Inc..
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what are the chances of career advancement at The Tile Shop, Inc.?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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Top future employers of The Tile Shop, Inc. employees?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Bedrosians, Dal-Tile, Ethan Allen, Floor & Decor, Lowe's, Mattress Firm, ProSource Wholesale, Self Employed.
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Where did employees work before joining The Tile Shop, Inc.?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
ADT, Floor & Decor, hhgregg, La-Z-Boy, Lowe's, Lumber Liquidators, Target, The Home Depot.
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How old are The Tile Shop, Inc.’s employees in general?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What kind of degree do you need to work at The Tile Shop, Inc.?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
typically one of the followings No higher education, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts
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how long does it take to get hired start to finish
2 years ago
All hiring is done at fist interview
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The work in itself is easy for me since i can easily sell stuff I make loads of commissions πŸ€‘ but what i don't like is that sometimes clients can be rude
9 months ago
I recently got sick and was worried ghat i ain't gonna get days off but to my surprise they were so cooperative. The management kindly granted me days off as much as i need to get back to work. All the kore reasons to love this org
9 months ago
Part timers don't get anything like that πŸ™„
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i am not rlly sure if they have a drug test process here πŸ€”
8 months ago
just one to hire, but none after that 😊
8 months ago
a mouth swab drug test is taken pre hiring here
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really hope the management gives feedback properly here
8 months ago
i loved how the management gave feedback here always in such a positive way πŸ˜€
8 months ago
I’m comfortable with the direction and feedback given because I feel it comes from a place of wanting to help here
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They do drug test ik but of what kind ?
8 months ago
Saliva test. Glad its not urine testπŸ™„ otherwise would have to run to lab to get it done. Its so tiring and frustrating
8 months ago
Yes they do drug test. And they do it through mouth swab basically saliva test. Some candidates had to give it on the spot while some had it days after their interview.
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How to wisely use the salary? So bad at managing my finances 😬 i am an assistant manager and i made around $34k last year. But rn i have zero savingss
9 months ago
Save 20% of your salary everymonth. This rule has helped me atleast. When last year i made $24k as a retail sales associate i had quite decent amount in savings too
9 months ago
Lookout for the expenses and always save and invest some amount. I save 20% and invest 30% every month from the salary. And i try to limit my expenses atleast for now.btw i am a store manager working here since 2 years now and on an avg i make $57 annually
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Any advice for someone who is gonna appear in the interview soon?
9 months ago
The interview would be very easy dw. Scenarios based and open ended ques will be asked. Put a bright smile on your face have a confident good posture.
9 months ago
My interview went so baaad. Man. So so embarrassed
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I feel like the company culture is becoming burdening on me. What do you say?
8 months ago
It might also be because you may have reached burnout phase. It can be too tough and draining. Please get some time off to think and relax. A mind restart is all you need rn
8 months ago
With so much going around in the world i feel disconnected to my work and life ….
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Tell me one thing you like here and one thing you dislike
9 months ago
The work in itself is easy for me since i can easily sell stuff I make loads of commissions πŸ€‘ but what i don't like is that sometimes clients can be rude
9 months ago
I like benefits like health insurance PTO, 401K, career growth, flexible hours but i dread extra work hours during the holiday season πŸ€•
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Is part time flexible or not? I am a student so can't work full time
8 months ago
I don't thing part timers get flexible hours but ik that full time employees do get that.
8 months ago
Yes you get to decide the shifts but part timers don't get benefits. So i meann…
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being promoted is always nice so i hope they have a good and fair promotion process hereee
8 months ago
The average sales associate can hope to make it to assistant manager but no more promotions beyond that which is understandable
8 months ago
Once you become a store manager, your progress usually stops in the conventional sense but if u r an associate the options are endless πŸ˜€
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I've heard there's a dress code here ?
8 months ago
Yes you have to look presentable. I am in the sales force and since I've to interact with the customers it is imp that we look clean and take proper care of hygiene
8 months ago
Huh.. if they had uniform i would've never worked there. Cuz can't wear a uniform in those long shifts.
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The hiring process was so long for me. What about you guys? Did you all face the same situation
9 months ago
I don't know why. Its actually weird how yours is taking long. Me and my cousin both applied here and started working after 8 days of applying.
9 months ago
Samee. Its been weeks since my application was submitted haven't even gotten a call for interview
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most places like this usually dont offer health insurance so i was wondering if they offer tht here πŸ˜•
9 months ago
their health insurance coverage was really good not too expensive which was the best πŸ˜ƒ
9 months ago
the health insurance is rlly good covers standard things. Family is a little expensive but overall good!
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a friend said they give raises oftenn.... SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT :D
9 months ago
i was given a 2% raise every year :)
9 months ago
u usually get a raise once a year here!!
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i start work here in a few days any advice to help wld be gr8 πŸ˜…
8 months ago
just have a friendly attitude!!
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Just got promoted and i am on cloud nine rn. πŸ₯Ή
9 months ago
My supervisor encouraged me so much and appreciated my work. I love it when the management supports and motivates their employees. Feels so good to be a part of such org
9 months ago
I've heard i am soon getting promoted 🀫
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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