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Exotic is a metal-producing company. It provides its services mainly to commercial airlines and aerospace. It was established in 1966. It is located in Kent, Washington. Its existence is built on the culture of entrepreneurship, motivation, and passion for excellence. Its mission is to be the best solution for its customers. Its values are respect, loyalty, and integrity. Some of Its products are exhaust ducts, anti-ice systems ducting, complex engine components, engine build up ducting, primary exhaust assemblies, lavatory and galley system tubes, and ducts, flexible duct systems, and bleed air ducting. Some of its employee benefits include compensation together with sharing, 401k, paid time off, holiday pay, and medical, dental, vision, and life insurance. Current job openings are available for engineers and manufacturing supervisors.

Company - Private
Multiple locations
Aerospace Manufacturers
What departments Exotic Metals Forming employees work at?
other occupation46.7%
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Aerospace Manufacturers
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Exotic Metals Forming employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Exotic Metals Forming: Newcomers: 29%, Experiencers: 20%, Experts: 19%, Veterans: 32%. Exotic Metals Forming employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Exotic Metals Forming employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Exotic Metals Forming: AGC AeroComposites - Hayden, Alcoa, Boeing. Typical Exotic Metals Forming employees have worked at AGC AeroComposites - Hayden.
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AGC AeroComposites - Hayden
What industries did Exotic Metals Forming employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Exotic Metals Forming: National Security, Aerospace Manufacturers, Colleges / Universities, Niche Manufacturers, Consulting Companies. Exotic Metals Forming employees most likely come from a National Security industry background.
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Where did Exotic Metals Forming employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Exotic Metals Forming: Small: 35%, Medium: 11%, Large: 54%. Most Exotic Metals Forming employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Exotic Metals Forming study?
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Where did employees at Exotic Metals Forming study?
Central Washington University
Green River Community College
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Exotic Metals Forming?
Time employed at Exotic Metals Forming: <1: 11%, 1-3: 32%, 4-8: 38%, 9-13: 9%, 14-20: 4%, 20+: 6%. Most Exotic Metals Forming employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Exotic Metals Forming rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Exotic Metals Forming: 81.7% Male and 18.3% Female. Age ratio at Exotic Metals Forming: 16-20: 1%, 21-30: 53%, 31-40: 30%, 41-50: 9%, 51-60: 6%, 60+: 1%. Exotic Metals Forming rates - 6.7% less female than the industry average. Most Exotic Metals Forming employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Exotic Metals Forming rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Exotic Metals Forming: high. Exotic Metals Forming ranks high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Exotic Metals Forming employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Exotic Metals Forming: Aerojet Rocketdyne, Alliance Machine Systems International, Blue Origin, Boeing, Hexcel. People who work at Exotic Metals Forming most typically go on to work for the Aerojet Rocketdyne.
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Aerojet Rocketdyne
Alliance Machine Systems International
Blue Origin

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What’s the gender distribution at Exotic Metals Forming?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
18.3% female, 81.7% male.
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When was Exotic Metals Forming established?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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What industry does Exotic Metals Forming operate in?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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How often do employees get promoted at Exotic Metals Forming ?
Liam Brown3 years ago
advancement opportunities are high
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How long do people usually work for Exotic Metals Forming?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Exotic Metals Forming employees work for?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Large companies before Exotic Metals Forming.
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving Exotic Metals Forming?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Aerojet Rocketdyne, Alliance Machine Systems International, Blue Origin, Boeing, Hexcel, Keurig Green Mountain, Lockheed Martin Corporation, SpaceX.
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Who are the top previous employers of Exotic Metals Forming employees?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
AGC AeroComposites - Hayden, Alcoa, Boeing, Brigham Young University, OfficeMax, Physio-Control, Securitas Security Services USA, Inc., United States Air Force.
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What’s the average age at Exotic Metals Forming?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What kind of degree do you need to work at Exotic Metals Forming?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
typically one of the followings No higher education, Bachelor of Science
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Nice to work here, kept learning new thing everyday. The culture was great, and everyone had their purpose. Team work was essential, yet, the training that was provided gave you enough confidence to do work on your own.
10 months ago
this place welcomes new ideas and creativity so that's why you will never be micromanaged at your work
10 months ago
the training is so important to do your work here especially if you have to learn about something new. 👍
You comment as
I've heard that career & development policies are not so good?
9 months ago
they have Advancement opportunities, good benefits, team growth culture
9 months ago
workplace have a lot of opportunities for growth🙂
You comment as
The management at Exotic Metals was great and the pay was good for entry level work or someone on their own. Benefits were pretty good as well. Overall a great work experience.
9 months ago
Yes that's I have to agree that the benefits that they're offering are uncomparable and I'm sure you won't get the same anywhere else!
9 months ago
I guess the only reason why a lot of people are still working here is because of the benefits this company has to offer👍
You comment as
what's the paid time off?
9 months ago
13 days per year 🙃
9 months ago
It takes several years before you get more than the base 12-13 days PTO. would prefer PTO lumped into vacation & sick days😆
You comment as
Everyday was an experience for me. I would have been there a lot longer but I chose to be a stay at home Mom after I gave birth to my little girl. If I ever move back there I would definitely reapply to Exotic Metals
9 months ago
Heads off to you lady.
9 months ago
How are you feeling now? Can you rejoin them?😇
You comment as
Willingness to give people an opportunity to work. Good opportunity to advance. Overall clean work environment. Working conditions can be difficult during summer as the shops are very hot.
8 months ago
Once they see an analyze that you're interested in growing their opportunities are unlimited for you
8 months ago
They do respect and value your time and understand that an employee cannot stay the same place forever therefore they keep promoting employees in order to keep them engaged in the company.🌸
You comment as
From day 1 of company training my experience with Exotic has been nothing but positive and rewarding. The company values each employee and practices LEAN process improvement throughout. I have recommended this company to several friends and 2 of them have joined the company and agree that it is a wonderful experience.
9 months ago
The most enjoyable part was spending those long hours with your team.
9 months ago
Nothing is hard just learning.🌼
You comment as
A fun place to work. Culture fit is great. A lot of stuff to learn. Helpful team members. Great reimbursement plans. Dental plan, health plan. Great 401 k match
9 months ago
I guess a lot of employees are still working here because of an amazing salary and these wonderful benefits
9 months ago
I would love to know more about the salary structure and these benefits if you don't mind😇
You comment as
I found that if you were willing to accept leadership responsibilities, my supervisor would work with you. Pay could have been better but overall not bad.
8 months ago
Great work opportunities
8 months ago
Most memorable part of my career which provided solid foundation to face future challenges.😇
You comment as
How often do raises occur?
9 months ago
based on performance appraisal every yr😉
9 months ago
raises are occur yearly
You comment as
I would work for exotic metals again. The only problems I have with exotic was the management and the pay. It takes a long time to get anywhere within the company as well.
8 months ago
It does not always about the salary it is also about the environment and the benefits you are getting along with it
8 months ago
I believe that they are doing everything they can just to provide the best of everything for their staff.🙃
You comment as
The people I work with at Exotic are very nice and interested in my life outside of work. Although the pay is not the best, they offer excellent benefits.
9 months ago
A strong foundation for career
9 months ago
Staff make a great effort to make working enjoyable.😇
You comment as
This is a great company with many benefits and perks, and it never lacks in leadership and guidance. . It lacks in the need of salary guidelines.
9 months ago
The workplace was intense; there was always a deadline to be met.
9 months ago
Culture was amazing sometimes we play games even at office.💭
You comment as
I liked everyone that I worked with, and never found myself without something to do, but I often found myself unable to really enjoy the work due to the hour long commute each way, and the early start time.
8 months ago
Make sure that your boss always notices that you are continually working and not taking rest
8 months ago
I barely want a job where I can stay busy all the time so that I don't think anything else in my brain. 💭
You comment as
Big lunch room, lots of areas to work and grow in. Good at math and want to weld? Lots of opportunities. I moved to welding from not knowing anything at all to getting my certification on my first attempt.
9 months ago
for them it's not important if you know things are not but if you are willing to learn they will still hire you
9 months ago
see I was telling you this is the best place for you to work!
You comment as
Great place to work and I worked with a wonderful group of people. I really enjoyed working there and hate I had to leave. If I were to move back to Washington I would go back Exotic.
8 months ago
There were always work for those who wanted to work.
8 months ago
All the hardships which a trainee face during the training help him/her to succeed in his career when he/she enters the practical world of job.
You comment as
Work was reasonable. I never felt I had to work quickly to sacrifice speed for accuracy. Management was good and friendly. Training was also very thorough and you quickly learn the nuances about the warehouse process.
9 months ago
You never have to worry about the deadlines because they are quite flexible in that zone.
9 months ago
Once you enter into the place you will learn everything about their systems and procedures after some time you will be a pro in what you do💖
You comment as
Do they have training programs for employes?
9 months ago
depending on specific career path they provide the training in following areas like manfacturing, TIG welding, laser, forming, assembly, lean, engineering & quality assurance as well & professional training like cross training, team, communication etc :))
9 months ago
they sustain the strength within for that they invest in employees success by providing challenging & rewarding work environment, value individuality & integrity, create 🤩 ongoing opportunities for learning and career advancement.
You comment as
exoitc is currently expanding and has a lot of growing opportunity able to move up if want to put the work and show you are the best for the position.
8 months ago
what is the reason behind them expanding have they grown so much?
8 months ago
how long have you been working here? 🌼
You comment as
Working at Exotic Metals as a Buyer was a great experience. The opportunities to learn about the different parts and processes created an ideal work environment for someone eager to learn.
8 months ago
What is one of the bestest things you liked about working here.
8 months ago
I also worked here as a manager and the best part about my job was to manage my team and nobody was there to question me.
You comment as
Overall, in my experience, this is a great company to work for. I feel respected as a person and work/life balance is well respected. My supervisor actively listens to what our team has to say and what we need to succeed.
8 months ago
The best but about that is that they hire without experience also so that you can learn from them and apply for a better future.
8 months ago
Looks like you got the best supervisor in the company.🌸
You comment as
Only thing worth it was the schedule.
9 months ago
Schedule is very coperative & they help employees to work easily max 8 hours per day
9 months ago
yeah I Agree maximum 8 hours per day no over time 🥰
You comment as
Great place to put your foot in the door in the aviation field, work can be repetitive but lots of different areas to work in, set schedule with overtime availability.
9 months ago
They don't only believe in giving you the work instead they also believe in teaching you stuff which you don't know in the past
9 months ago
You will learn some great skills working here I'm sure✨
You comment as
It's really about who you work for and with. Was blessed to work with some talented individuals when I started. They showed me all the tricks of the trade that I needed for my job.
8 months ago
It is a blessing to find such people at your workplace who share these tips and tricks with you
8 months ago
You just got lucky by having this amazing people at your work place✨
You comment as
No drama, straightforward instructions, management was very reasonable. Safety procedures got a little out of hand after the merger. Team meetings at the beginning and end of shift.
8 months ago
thank god! I was literally tired from all the office drama from my previous job
8 months ago
I would love to work in a company where I don't have to face office politics✨
You comment as
wha's included in their comprehensive benefit package?
9 months ago
it inludes medical, dental vision coverage, 401k matching, carpool, PTO, travel discount, employee assistance program, transit benefit, tuition reimbursement🥰
9 months ago
they provide health inusrance, benefits like dental visison, profit sharing, 401k plan & many more :)
You comment as
Great place to work long-term, plenty of career guys who know what they're doing and as long as you put the work in, you can go far.
9 months ago
You won't get a lot of jobs in the market that are offering the same salary as they do.
9 months ago
In every job that you do you always have to put in your efforts otherwise you won't get anything in return.✨
You comment as
Good place to learn, but if you need something with better pay, look elsewhere. Has profit sharing twice a year. Hourly wage is sub-par. Good stepping stone to move to something better.
8 months ago
They are already paying some of the highest salaries in the market so it's not like you have to search somewhere else
8 months ago
Money is not everything bro people come and work here for the experience and knowledge💖
You comment as
Overall good place to work. Paid time away is much better than the average manufacturing environment. Salary is adequate for the Phoenix area. Relatively clean & safe, but located in a very bad neighborhood.
8 months ago
If you are willing to learn they don't shy away from teaching!!!!
8 months ago
I don't think so they are located in a bad neighborhood but if you say so.🍒
You comment as
A good place to work if you are looking for work experiences and opportunities. It didn't pay much when I started working here but gradually improve the paid rate.
9 months ago
Long working hours but result in developing excellent working skills.
9 months ago
The most enjoyable part of the job was to identify frauds or unreasonable spending by a company's employee.💭
You comment as
This is a great place to start your career within the Aerospace industry. I enjoyed working with my teams on the floor.
8 months ago
although they have a long hiring process but I even don't mind that as long as I get the job after all
8 months ago
Yes I would love to have a job here because this is a dream place for me to work at🌸
You comment as
Exotic is a good place to start your aerospace career. Lots of opportunity and amazing people to work with. Communication in the company is hit or miss, pay hasn't been the best but starting to get better.
8 months ago
I agree with you that this is one of the best places where you can kick start your career and take a fresh start.
8 months ago
No I think they pay enough. In fact they pay more than what some people deserves!👍
You comment as
Exotic is a great place to work, with great people and full of challenges. If you're looking to grow and make a difference this is a good place. They are growing fast and going through some growing pains but that's when you can learn the most.
9 months ago
They will easily promote you with a good incentive If they see the right potential in you!
9 months ago
I really don't care about any growth I just need to care about the money because I have to run a household💫
You comment as
Good place to work, you can make a good living out of it, you just need to put the time in, good team dynamic, nice shop equipment, love the profit share checks, good overtime policy
8 months ago
How much money can I expect to make during a full time shift?
8 months ago
What are the overall timings and do we have any time left for an overtime shift?🌼
You comment as
I've heard that they also offer profit sharing Is it true?
10 months ago
as they always committed to hire & maintain good teams for that purpose they offer profit sharing benefit depending on career path 😆
9 months ago
u heard righ :)
You comment as
A great company with great people! Very responsible and professional work environment. Easy to see that they really care about their employees, you would be very lucky to have a chance to work for them
9 months ago
Don't think that you are putting in all your efforts just for the growth of your company because you are growing at the same time as well!
9 months ago
I want to be that lucky person to get the chance to work here but my application never got approved🌸
You comment as
quality of the culture has gone down some. moral is not as high as it used to be before new mngt approach was instituted.many great and talented persons to be working with.
8 months ago
They are known for an amazing culture that they are providing for their employees so yes there is no change to it
8 months ago
I also feel that they should need to bring back their old culture💭
You comment as
Exotic is a good place to work, they have great benifits. They pay well. Their communication between worker and upper management is never lacking. They are an advancing company.
8 months ago
The only reason why they are rapidly growing is because they have kept us smooth communication between their workers and the management
8 months ago
see that's why they never lack anything because they are keeping a powerful communication among their employees. 🙃
You comment as
I loved the a schedule Monday- Friday 6:00 am- 2 pm. I had time to get my kids ready for school those days and I would be off work right before they got out of school.
8 months ago
It's good that you get the time to look after your kids as well
8 months ago
this must be the perfect job for you right?🤔
You comment as
My coworkers were enjoyable to work with and most everyone was easy to get along with. It was easy to talk with my supervisors about different things. Or one of my supervisors supervisor about different things and concerns I had.
8 months ago
The best part is when everybody's there to support you in case of emergency and you have to leave.
8 months ago
there is literally no restrictions on having fun with your people! 💭
You comment as
If you are looking for a place to get a start in the aerospace industry then exotic is pretty good and in the long term. They are most likely much higher up in leadership or close to retirement.
9 months ago
I am trying from so long but no luck of finding a job at exotic!
9 months ago
I wish somebody could recommend me for a job here so I don't have to go through the whole hiring process.👍
You comment as
Overall extremely good people to work with skill levels are high, everyone is focused on getting things done. Communication is good. For me at least, never any drama 😅
9 months ago
Good learning opportunities good coworkers decent enough pay😊
9 months ago
Work was fairly constant, micromanagement was minimalEyes 😆
You comment as
Usual warehouse job, lots of standing and cleaning. The employees are very nice and the supervisors are amazing. Just not the kind of work I was into. Great to vets and their families as well.
9 months ago
Excellent working experience with experienced professionals.
9 months ago
Good technical learning and development opportunities💫
You comment as
Great coworkers and management. Took great care of their employees and listening to problems and issues. Flexible when issues or ploblems came up. I enjoyed being able to say that I built engines and parts for military aircraft.
9 months ago
I'm sure I will have a blast working here!
8 months ago
thank you so much for sharing your experience It really helped me a lot🌼
You comment as
One of the best places I had the pleasure of working. Clear advancement path, decent management, emphasis on safety, and solid benefits. There's room to grow into other areas and once you have a few different tasks under your belt, overtime is pretty easy to come by.
9 months ago
If you are one of those lazy persons who just apply here for money then this is not the right place for you.
9 months ago
You will come here for a job but end up getting a career out of it.👍
You comment as
What is the company culture
8 months ago
Great and easy company to work for😀
8 months ago
Culture friendly management and room for growth :P
You comment as
Work place culture is a culture of 'always give more'. Employee retention has a high turn over rate. Overall, the best company to work for if looking to build your career as a production CNC machinist.
8 months ago
this is just the right place If you want to set the career and do not want to switch over and over again.
8 months ago
Yes that's all we can explain about this place. A place where you can have your career! 😇
You comment as
They boast about growth there. And if you're the right person or you're liked by the right people, then yes, you'll grow. Favoritism is zero there. I enjoyed my time there and was never easily dismissed and forgotten about.
8 months ago
when you have worked in a professional company they will never forget the time and efforts you have invested in the company
8 months ago
why did you leave the job by the way?🤔
You comment as
My manager was very supportive and kind and I really felt I could trust my team, but the rest of Exotic doesn’t seem to care about you too much. Work there for a bit, and you can count on a career there.
8 months ago
If you have got the right manager then your life is set at the company because he's the one who will be representing on your behalf
8 months ago
Since you are not allowed to talk to the boss directly your manager will determine your performance in front of them so make sure you get the right manager!🍒
You comment as
The culture has changed over the years so it feels harder to make a difference. Still a great place to learn a trade from really skilled coworkers.
9 months ago
Well along with the time things are bound to change nobody can stay the same forever. Especially when the culture relies on the people working in it!
9 months ago
I don't think so that their culture has changed because earlier my friend was working here and now I do. It's all the same bro✨
You comment as
I came in with nothing and learned an entire trade. If you have the drive you can develop real career skills. Some people come and put in the minimum so they never grow real skills.
8 months ago
This is why I always emphasize on working here because I know they're amazing at teaching stuff.
8 months ago
True in order to learn you have to put in your time and efforts and be willing to learn at least!💖
You comment as
Exotic Metals was a great place to work with amazing teams and good leadership on the team based level. Working with high-end tech was stressful at first, however teammates helped the learning process and made me look forward to work each day.
9 months ago
Dealing with many other companies professional
9 months ago
Good name on CV, Market leader🌼
You comment as
When advancing its not a clear, laid out path of expectations or tasks. Which can make it seem like it takes forever and even though you do the job they don’t give the title because it requires a pay increase.
8 months ago
They should always give out a title when you are getting a promotion because you do deserve I increase in your salary
8 months ago
That's too bad. 🍒
You comment as
This company has a great culture. The benefits are awesome, comparable to Boeing. Guaranteed hours and often overtime. Sometimes, they ask for too much overtime, but I have always loved money so rarely complained about it.
9 months ago
The hardest part of the job was starting it at a very young age with long hours a norm.
9 months ago
Playing counter strike was the most fun part.🙃
You comment as
liked to work there probably would still be working there if wasn't for covid 19. The company has no problem promoting you and giving you raises if you assert yourself
10 months ago
looks like the company is making good money. otherwise they wouldn't be able to afford these promotions and incentives
10 months ago
now that's what every employee looks for. promotions and incentives time to time💖
You comment as
was it a fun experience working here?
8 months ago
A lot of things have changed as my sister was telling me but still a wonderful experience
8 months ago
The only hire the best talent in the industry so that you can learn from them💫
You comment as
what's the 401k plan of company
9 months ago
Its average at 100% match up to 5% of salary!!
9 months ago
Between matching & profit sharing contribution, the plan is geared to help you save 15% towards retirement 😅
You comment as
Very positive and friendly work environment. Company takes training seriously starting with a week long orientation. Nice cafeteria.
8 months ago
Since it was a mandatory training program, I ensured that apart from completing my qualification, I apply the skill set I was learning at school.
8 months ago
free lunches, late night sittings with seniors.. learning experience💫
You comment as
Exotic metals has treated me more than fairly. I started like everyone, thinking that I knew it all. I didnt, but I learned. They aren’t really open to new ideas, but they give you the latitude to do things your own way. If your way works better, it gets adopted pretty quickly.
8 months ago
Lol this feels like my own story
8 months ago
It happens to everyone bro🤣
You comment as
a typical day at work. very great company to work for. it was really nice people there and they are willing to work with you. The benefits was great..
9 months ago
All these things sounds amazing and favorable so if you ever think about leaving the job from here then please recommend me on your place
9 months ago
amazing man I'm so happy for you to get a job here🌸
You comment as
Will they give details about the reason former employees were terminated to new prospective employers?
10 months ago
No never. Ive never experenced them doing that
10 months ago
Do not know, but hopefully they give a good review about their work habits
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
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