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Egg Harbor Township, New jersey-based Spencer Gifts LLC is a lifestyle retail company that operates two national brands - Spencer's and Spirit Halloween. The Spencer’s team abides by the values of respect, integrity and trust, supported with productive tools and efficient resources necessary to achieve challenging objectives - they understand the importance of working collaboratively to challenge the status quo. Spencer Gifts firmly believes in the power of being true to yourself, so tattoos and piercings are common there. In case you think you fit in the team, you will find a wide range of store, corporate internship, corporate office, and distribution center opportunities in a frightfully fun environment. If Spencer Gifts is the place for your next opportunity, the job will come with a competitive salary, benefits including bonus plans, tuition reimbursement, short and long term disability, health and wellness, and perks such as on-site tennis courts and subsidized lunches.

Company - Private
$100M to $500M
Multiple locations
Niche Retailers
Steven Silverstein
What departments Spencer Gifts employees work at?
other occupation36.3%
Sales Managers & Supervisors23.7%
General and Operations Managers9%
Management - Other4.7%
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General Merchandise Retailers
Large size
General Hospitals
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Spencer Gifts employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Spencer Gifts: Newcomers: 43%, Experiencers: 16%, Experts: 15%, Veterans: 26%. Spencer Gifts employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Spencer Gifts employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Spencer Gifts: Burlington Stores, Charming Shoppes, Hot Topic. Typical Spencer Gifts employees have worked at Burlington Stores.
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Burlington Stores
Charming Shoppes
Hot Topic
What industries did Spencer Gifts employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Spencer Gifts: Niche Retailers, Clothing Retailers, Limited-Service Restaurants, General Merchandise Retailers, Food & Beverage Retailers. Spencer Gifts employees most likely come from a Niche Retailers industry background.
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Where did Spencer Gifts employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Spencer Gifts: Small: 22%, Medium: 8%, Large: 70%. Most Spencer Gifts employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Spencer Gifts study?
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Where did employees at Spencer Gifts study?
Atlantic Cape Community College
Penn State University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Spencer Gifts?
Time employed at Spencer Gifts: <1: 8%, 1-3: 26%, 4-8: 45%, 9-13: 13%, 14-20: 4%, 20+: 4%. Most Spencer Gifts employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Spencer Gifts rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Spencer Gifts: 47.4% Male and 52.6% Female. Age ratio at Spencer Gifts: 16-20: 1%, 21-30: 65%, 31-40: 17%, 41-50: 12%, 51-60: 5%, 60+: 0%. Spencer Gifts rates - 8.6% more female than the industry average. Most Spencer Gifts employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Spencer Gifts rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Spencer Gifts: low. Spencer Gifts ranks low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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What companies do Spencer Gifts employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Spencer Gifts: Five Below, GameStop, Hot Topic, rue21, Spirit Halloween. People who work at Spencer Gifts most typically go on to work for the Five Below.
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Five Below
Hot Topic
Spirit Halloween

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Spencer Gifts Reviews and Ratings

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Assistant Supervisor
August 26, 2022
Consistent Expectations and Communication
Professional growth
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The work, like any Retail Job was at times stressful however that said The Expectations of the Job, The communication abilities of those higher up, and The guest interactions were all pretty consistent save for a few minor slip-ups that were addressed soon after. I will say that the training in my experience can be a bit hit or miss but, I am also aware that I'm a bit biased as I was an emergency hire at the time and the Manager who hired me was over extending themselves. The impression i was given during a talk later with a Higher up was that it was an exception and not a rule. So in Summary, If you're considering working for Spencer's it can be really enjoyable but keep in mind it is a retail job with all that entails. The management at least does care about their employees and their ability to continue working

Pros and Cons
Fun co-workers, Fun Environment, accessible food options, Good Communication
not a lot of Free Time
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Saugus, MA - June 24, 2021
Fun and good staff
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
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Culture and Values
I always had a good day there, staff was friendly and meeting new people was always a plus. They would always work with you about time off.

Pros and Cons
Good discounts, and really friendly people
Short breaks
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general store manager
Clearwater, FL - May 27, 2021
Good starter for retail management experience
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
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Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
Overall experience was good for retail management growth. Restrictions challenge you to think outside of the box to stay within company guidelines as far as budgets, labor hours, and day-to-day store operations, which is great for learning and developing your management style. Open communication with other store managers is a huge benefit to learn from each other and better understand sales trends and establish/evolve store best practices. Expect to work 55+ hours to meet company demands and stay within allotted labor hours given.

Pros and Cons
Friendly store-to-store competition, bonus availability, great LP & HR
No work/life balance, low labor budgets, expect to work 55+ hours a week, minimal training
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Henderson, NV - March 27, 2021
Greater associate
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
We are greet every customer and we have up beat respectful approach. I usually got customer relaxed and help them find a gift that fit there request. .. the job up beat and alot fun and time flys and music awsome ..

Pros and Cons
15% off and there benefits
Cant have no purses
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Discussion about Spencer Gifts

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gender breakdown at Spencer Gifts?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
gender ratio is 52.6% female, 47.4% male.
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What industry is Spencer Gifts in?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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Where is the headquarters of Spencer Gifts?
Liam Brown3 years ago
It’s in Egg Harbor Township, NJ.
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When was Spencer Gifts established?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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Anybody knows how much Spencer Gifts makes in a year?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Spencer Gifts makes $100m to $500m a year.
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What’s the name of Spencer Gifts’s CEO?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Steven Silverstein.
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How long do people usually work for Spencer Gifts?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Spencer Gifts employees work for?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Large companies before Spencer Gifts.
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what are the chances of career advancement at Spencer Gifts?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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Top future employers of Spencer Gifts employees?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Five Below, GameStop, Hot Topic, rue21, Self Employed, Spirit Halloween, Target, Walmart.
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Who are the top previous employers of Spencer Gifts employees?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Burlington Stores, Charming Shoppes, Hot Topic, LIDS Sports Group, McDonald's, Spirit Halloween, Target, Walmart.
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How old are Spencer Gifts’s employees in general?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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Where did most of Spencer Gifts employees go to school?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Atlantic Cape Community College, Penn State University, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Rowan University, Stockton University.
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What’s Spencer Gifts’s business mission statement?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
"Life's a Party -- We're Makin' it Fun!".
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Are they hiring right now? if yess at which positions?πŸ™„
8 months ago
They are hiring for lower positions only if you want to apply then go and do it quickly.πŸ˜„
8 months ago
The hiring is only open for sales associate for now, you can apply if you want though.πŸ™‚
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What other companies I can apply for that is similar to Spencer Gifts?
9 months ago
CVS Health and Burlington Stores are similar to Spencer Gifts. πŸ™Œ
9 months ago
Macy’s is same as Spencer Gifts.
You comment as
My friend told me that they don't check how much experience you haveπŸ™„
9 months ago
Experience matters but if someone have talent then the job is theirs.❀
9 months ago
Yeah they do hire unexperienced employees and treats them eually good.πŸ˜‹
You comment as
I am a student and interested in doing a part time job, if they offer anyπŸ˜’
9 months ago
Part-time jobs to students with flexible work hours is relieving.🫑
9 months ago
i am doing a part-time job of sales executive here and it is good, i get a very good pay by working easy hours.❀
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How do they make employees feel valued?😏
8 months ago
General employees discounts to the employees on all the products, makes them feel much much appreciated.πŸ˜›
8 months ago
The benfits and pay they offer with employees discounts is totally amazing if you ask me helps them feel appreciated much then that🀍
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How was your overall experience of working here?πŸ™„
8 months ago
my experience of working with them was so good because they makes sure that every employee is comfortable and is having good time too hreπŸ€—
8 months ago
My experience was so good, i dont know how to say it in words, people, place, work and everything else was great.🫑
You comment as
Do you people think that you are fulfiling your life goals?😏
8 months ago
My goal is to make as much money as possible and here i am earning the best.πŸ’
8 months ago
I am supporting my mother as she is alzahimer patient and it is very fulfilling for me bois.😍
You comment as
If I get stuck somewhere, would other people help me?πŸ˜€
9 months ago
Whenever i needed help my co-workers were there for me, the best place with best co-workers.❀
9 months ago
Obviously we all will help you with work if you ever get stuck, so dont worry.😊
You comment as
What are their core values? And do they follow them?πŸ™„
8 months ago
They believe in integrity, respect, and on transparency. THese are the foundation of a successfull place.🀩
8 months ago
Their core values are customer happiness, credibility, Humaneness, Executive excellence and risk taking.πŸ’―
You comment as
I hope that I would be able to bring my little kid with me as I have to pick him from school during my jobπŸ˜ƒ
9 months ago
You can bring your child to the work and that will be good for you duddee.😁
9 months ago
I also sometimes used to take my child to the work so i will say you can take him too.❣
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Just got a job at Spencer Gifts. I want to know the age distribution at the company.
10 months ago
Teenagers and people above 60 are present in the least ratio. Mostly people of age 21-30 are there.
9 months ago
Mostly there are almost every age group employed there. Some teenagers are also employed there.
You comment as
I guess there is no night shift for the job, kindly confirm😏
8 months ago
They do offer night shifts and if you ask me night shifts are good, the pay is good too.πŸ€—
8 months ago
They offer night shifts and the benefits and pay is same as the day shift employee.πŸ’“
You comment as
What are the general positions at which I can apply?😏
8 months ago
You can apply on a general position which involves sales associate and business analyst.πŸ˜‰
8 months ago
General positions on which you can apply are manager, sales associate, business executive, financial analyst.πŸ˜‡
You comment as
I am curious what would they ask me in the interview.πŸ™„
8 months ago
The interview was pretty simple, they will ask you why do you need this job, whatare your work potentials and all that...πŸ’
8 months ago
The interview was tough, the questions were tough for me, they asked me all the questions from my last experience and i was blabbering at the end but manages to secure a job so it was worth the effort...πŸ’―
You comment as
can I bring my pet cat with me on the store?πŸ™„
8 months ago
You can bring pets once in a while to the work but can not bring them daily.πŸ˜…
8 months ago
The pets are not allowed at work but you can bring them once in a while if there is no one to look after them.🀧
You comment as
Can someone tell me about the chances of promotion at Spencer Gifts? 😬
8 months ago
Yes you can advance here but the rate at which you do so will be slow. If you are patient enough to wait till you advance then you can hope for the best. πŸ‘
8 months ago
I have mixed opinions about it. You can make huge progress but you have to wait for some years before you do so. 🀷
You comment as
What do they offer per hour as a salary?πŸ˜ƒ
9 months ago
The pay varies with the positions, if you are working in upper m,anagement then it is around $32πŸ™‚
9 months ago
Pay is good, averagely per hour you are paid $22 per hour.πŸ˜‹
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My friend did an internship with them 6 months ago, I wanna know if the internship is worth doing😏
8 months ago
I worked there as an internee and develop some professional skills which are helping me in my new job now.πŸ’–
8 months ago
They teach you work ethics and how to be professonal when you work there as an internee.πŸ˜…
You comment as
If i dont have an state id, can i use my school id to work.
8 months ago
I don't think so. The employer needs valid identification methods to ensure you qualify.
8 months ago
Generally, or any face ID verification such as a driver's license or learner's permit.
You comment as
I hope that they don't bother aged employees, I am interested in joining them😊
8 months ago
There is no agediscrimination here, every employee is equal for them.πŸ’“
8 months ago
There is no such thing as age discrimination here, every employee is equal to them and deserve their respect too.😁
You comment as
Will I get paid holidays from the job?πŸ˜ƒ
9 months ago
Paid leaves gives you time to relax and i was so happy when i worked there.🀩
9 months ago
The paid holidays are for 3-4 days and they are amazing, i get time to spend with my family.🌼
You comment as
What do they actually offer? I am curious about their servicesπŸ˜’
9 months ago
It offers sells clothing, band merchandise, sex toys, room decor and many more to their customers.πŸ˜€
9 months ago
Well they offer fashion and body jewellery, fantasy and horror items. All of them beautifully made..πŸ™‚
You comment as
I have a dog and I don’t have anyone that will take care of him in my absence. So I Want to know whether they allow pets or not.
9 months ago
No you cannot carry your pets with you while you are on work.
9 months ago
I think he'll be fine home alone :D
You comment as
I want to know about the duration on average an employee spend at the company. πŸ€”
8 months ago
On average a person can easily spend 5 years working there if he or she doesn’t have any major issue.
8 months ago
It all depends on your patience TBH. If you can spend a lot of time at one place then it is a good company for you.πŸ™Œ
You comment as
What is the gender ratio spencer gifts?
8 months ago
more or less equal.πŸ‘
8 months ago
Hmm? What's your source mr know-it-all?πŸ€”
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Do you think that they will expand their store network more?😏
8 months ago
They are thinking about opening some more branches around canada and it is good.πŸ’
8 months ago
Yes they are working hard to launch some new stores in USA.😍
You comment as
Are the benefits and the salary same at all their branches?😏
8 months ago
They believe in equality that is why offers same benefits and pay to all the employees.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Umm obviously, benefits will be same whichever branch you choose to work, as for pay it will be according to the work you do.😊
You comment as
Can you tell meabout their major departments?πŸ™„
8 months ago
There is sales department and management department and finance departmentπŸ˜‡
8 months ago
There departments are amazing but major department is finance and management department.😁
You comment as
Is there any bonuses policy for the hardwrking employees?πŸ™„
9 months ago
9 months ago
Bonuses is for those who work hard in bringing the company forward and gives their best.🀩
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Do they test employees for the drugs before hiring them?πŸ˜’
8 months ago
They do drug test and run background checks when you apply for the job.
8 months ago
When you pass the interview they will do the drug test by using mouth swab.πŸ™‚
You comment as
How are their salary packages? Are they good enough to meet your expenses a month?😏
9 months ago
Salaries were great if you ask me, i was super satisfied with my monthly package.πŸ˜†
9 months ago
Yeah i was paid well, well enough to meet my monthly needs and manages to save some too.❀
You comment as
How are their insurance plans? Are they affordable and give good coverage?πŸ™„
8 months ago
VSP is the vision standard package, it is serviceable and is great.😍
8 months ago
Mental health insurance is for upper management and it is great for those who are applicable for it.πŸ’«
You comment as
I am excited that I will get free lunches everydayπŸ˜‰
9 months ago
Free lunch daily for the morning shift and free dinner for the evening shift which is good.
9 months ago
They offer free lunches to all the employees which is a pretty great initiative if you ask me.πŸ˜ƒ
You comment as
I have done degree in sales management, I am hoping to get a job here😏
8 months ago
You will be hired in sales department as a sales manager if you are confident and can work great.
8 months ago
If you have a past experience of working as a sales manger then yes you are good to go.😊
You comment as
I hope that they will allow flexible hours work😏
10 months ago
Yes the work hours are flexible and it is easy to manage, they are easygoing.πŸ˜‡
10 months ago
The work hours are usually 8 hours a day and it is easy to manage, they are uite flexible if you ask me.πŸ’“
You comment as
Will my work life balance get disturbed if I join them?😏
8 months ago
Work and personal life balance will be maintained so rest assured.πŸ˜†
8 months ago
The work hours are flexible so yor personal life will not be affected.😁
You comment as
My frind used to work here and she told me that she used to get free gift cards from time to timeπŸ˜€
9 months ago
Free gift card which they give to the employee from time to time is kinda good dude.πŸ’–
9 months ago
Yes your friend was right about the gift cards they offer free gift cards to all the employees.🌼
You comment as
I hope I won't have to wear any uniform for the jobπŸ˜’
9 months ago
Dress shirt, tie, slacks and you are good to go for the work.❣
9 months ago
No uniform, you have to dress in clean clothes and you are fine to go.πŸ˜€
You comment as
On an average, how many years the employees serve them?😏
9 months ago
I have done so many jobs but this was my longest job, i have worked there for 6 years, the good 6 years of my life.πŸ’
9 months ago
My colleagues were here for like 3-4 years and on avaerage it is around this too.πŸ˜‹
You comment as
Would I get any family benefits if I am an employee here?πŸ™„
8 months ago
They offer medical allowance for the family of the employees.πŸ’“
8 months ago
They offer employees benefits and medical allowance and certain health and life insurance plans for the employees family.πŸ€—
You comment as
I haven't worked on any store before, I am joining in a hope of getting training🀩
8 months ago
They offer free and paid training to all the employees and it is good if you ask me guys.
8 months ago
No worries if you do not have any past experience because the training they offer will help you so much.πŸ’―
You comment as
I guess I will get paid time off often😏
8 months ago
Working in upper management? you will get paid time off oftenly like twice a year dudde.🫑
8 months ago
Yeah you will get paid time off once a year but if you are in upper management then you will get it often.πŸ₯³
You comment as
Every company should conduct appraisals on regular basis, at least once every year😏
9 months ago
They conduct appraisals and it is very good that they do because it keeps them on their foot at work.πŸ’
9 months ago
The performance appraisals which they run are excitingly good if you ask me, and they do conduct them once a year.πŸ˜†
You comment as
How is the work atmosphere here?
9 months ago
The work can be stressful sometimes but if you know how to handle the stress, you can manage this job quite well.☺
9 months ago
A very friendly and easy going atmosphere you can have here. All. You need to have is the ability to handle stress that retail shops give you sometimes.😜
You comment as
Do they promote employees based on their performace? πŸ™„
8 months ago
After checking the appraisals of the employee if they deserve they will get a promotion.πŸ€—
8 months ago
Yeah the performance promotion is the best thing about the company for starters.πŸ’“
You comment as
I wanna work in a peaceful environment. Let me know if they offer soπŸ˜’
9 months ago
I have worked here and the environment is very healthy and peaceful, i loved working there.πŸ˜€
9 months ago
The place is healthy and full of positive people with a very healthy environment.πŸ˜†
You comment as
Is there something you don't like about your job or store?πŸ™„
8 months ago
Vacations are less for the employees who have just joined them they should have a look at it.πŸ€—
8 months ago
Company's restocking process is quite frustating, so much work to do on that day.🀧
You comment as
I don't have a pure management degree,but interested in seeking jobπŸ™‚
9 months ago
There management team is very professional and they hire only professionals.
9 months ago
The management team is super good with professional background and alot of experience, if you have it then you are worthy of job only.😊
You comment as
Is there any particular number that they give you? Like they want these many sales a month etc?πŸ™„
8 months ago
You have to achieve a certain number and meet the target which they give you.πŸ’«
8 months ago
I have worked in sales department and i have to achieve certain targets; well it was easy for me because dude i am good it.😍
You comment as
What are the benefits of working at Spencer Gifts?
9 months ago
One can have paid sick leave or holidays and vacations.
9 months ago
You can enjoy discount at the shop. Also you can have flexible schedule which will be convenient for you.
You comment as
I got an interview call yesterday, how long will it take them to hire me?πŸ˜ƒ
9 months ago
If the interview goes well you will be hired as soon as possible.πŸ’―
9 months ago
Well I was hired on the spot after the interview but they still did background checks.😊
You comment as
As they have multiple locations of store, can I work at my favorite and nearest store?😳
8 months ago
InUSA there store is almost hired of the employees so they allocate you to one where needed.🀍
8 months ago
To save fuel expense they will allocate you to the nearest location.😁
You comment as
Does the management treats you politely?πŸ˜’
8 months ago
Management was very engaging and is great, they treat their employees with respect.πŸ˜‰
8 months ago
Managementis very kind and very supportive, they treat employees good and with the respect they deserve.πŸ’–
You comment as
How are your collegues? Are they friendly and accomodating?😏
8 months ago
One of the thing i loved about here was my colleagues, they were lovely.πŸ˜›
8 months ago
I have worked here for 5 years and believe me when I say it that the people are genuinely nice, they will treat you well and are super friendly.😌
You comment as
Kindly let me know about the benefits they offerπŸ˜€
9 months ago
They offer insurance benefits and mental health insurance which is quite rare.🀩
9 months ago
Paid time off, sick leaves and vacations to the employees, couldnt ask for more.🀍
You comment as
Hey! I just got hired at Spencer’s Gifts. I want to know about the dress code that is being followed at the company. Kindly tell if there are some prohibitions or not.
9 months ago
8 months ago
You can wear what you want. There is no prohibition for any type of outfit. Just don’t wear the clothes that have something abusive written on them.
You comment as
Are you people satisfied with your job?😏
9 months ago
My life is going good, i am living a happy life because my pay is super good guys.🀩
9 months ago
Yeah i am happy because working in management team and achieving my personal goals.😍
You comment as
Tomorrow is my first day at the store. I am bit nervousπŸ™„
9 months ago
Tomorrow you will be busy in dealing with your customers and will forget about your nervousness in the first place.😌
9 months ago
You will have a good day because you will find some supportive and cheerful people there.πŸ˜‡
You comment as
Do they offer discounts on products to their employees?πŸ˜„
9 months ago
They offer 30% employees discounts and it is very good because they can buy stuff easily.❀
9 months ago
30-40% general employee discount on all the products to their employees.😁
You comment as
How much time hiring process takes place?
8 months ago
The time depends on the step of application writing. If it is written properly in the first attempt then the process is going to take only some days. πŸ‘
8 months ago
It took almost a week before the called me for an interview.
You comment as
I hope that the environment here is safe for women as well
9 months ago
They only hire mentally mature people which makes sure that the environment is safe for women.🀍
8 months ago
Environment is very safe and secure for the women and easy to work at.πŸ˜‹
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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