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Brandon High School is a public secondary school. In 1982, its new building was completed. The two previous buildings of Brandon High School are still standing and in use. The Brandon School District is proud of its beautiful schools, which strive to challenge students on a regular basis and engage them. Technology is the essential part of the school. Each school in the district is equipped with state of the art technology, demonstrated at Harvey-Swanson Elementary by a 1:1 computer to student ratio. Academics, at all grade levels, are a priority. Brandon high schools announces vacant posts for professionals. It also delivers many benefits for its employees such as 401K retirement plan, employment assessment program and workplace perks.

Educational Institution
Ortonville, MI, 48462
Niche Education, Professional / Scientific / Technical Companies
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Niche Education
Medium size
Business Associations
Medium size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Brandon School District employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Brandon School District: Newcomers: 16%, Experiencers: 9%, Experts: 28%, Veterans: 47%. Brandon School District employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Brandon School District employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Brandon School District: Almont Community Schools, Anchor Bay School District, Army National Guard. Typical Brandon School District employees have worked at Almont Community Schools.
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Almont Community Schools
Anchor Bay School District
Army National Guard
What industries did Brandon School District employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Brandon School District: Niche Education, Elementary & Secondary School, Colleges / Universities, Child Day Care Companies, Social Advocacy Organizations. Brandon School District employees most like
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Where did Brandon School District employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Brandon School District: Small: 41%, Medium: 9%, Large: 50%. Most Brandon School District employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Brandon School District study?
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Where did employees at Brandon School District study?
Brandon High School
Central Michigan University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Brandon School District?
Time employed at Brandon School District: <1: 3%, 1-3: 17%, 4-8: 25%, 9-13: 23%, 14-20: 19%, 20+: 13%. Most Brandon School District employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Brandon School District rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Brandon School District: 43.1% Male and 56.9% Female. Age ratio at Brandon School District: 16-20: 2%, 21-30: 29%, 31-40: 22%, 41-50: 22%, 51-60: 15%, 60+: 10%. Brandon School District rates - 1.9% more female than the industry averag
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Career advancement

How does Brandon School District rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Brandon School District: very low. Brandon School District ranks very low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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