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EK Health Services was founded in 1998. The corporate headquarter is located in San Jose, California, United States. The founder of the company is Emily Brill. It is a privately owned company. The company is certified as a woman and minority-owned company situated in the heart of Silicon Valley with best-in-class technology. EK Health is one of the leading national managed hospital and health care company that offers medical bill management services. EK Health has gained notoriety for offering unrivaled, objective arranged administrations to Workers' Compensation and Liability customers through its group of profoundly skilled clinical staff and executives with training and huge involvement with managed care, initiative, and health care management.

Company - Private
$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Finance & Insurance Companies, Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
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Internet Publishing & Other Companies
Small size
Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
Small size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do EK Health Services employees have before joining?
Years of experience at EK Health Services: Newcomers: 25%, Experiencers: 23%, Experts: 19%, Veterans: 33%. EK Health Services employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did EK Health Services employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before EK Health Services: ACS Services, Allied Universal, Amgen. Typical EK Health Services employees have worked at ACS Services.
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ACS Services
Allied Universal
What industries did EK Health Services employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of EK Health Services: Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms, General Hospitals, Outpatient Care Centers, Consulting Companies, Niche Retailers. EK Health Services employees most likely come from a Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms industry background.
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Where did EK Health Services employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at EK Health Services: Small: 46%, Medium: 14%, Large: 40%. Most EK Health Services employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at EK Health Services study?
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Where did employees at EK Health Services study?
California State University-East Bay
City College of San Francisco
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at EK Health Services?
Time employed at EK Health Services: <1: 7%, 1-3: 33%, 4-8: 42%, 9-13: 11%, 14-20: 6%, 20+: 1%. Most EK Health Services employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does EK Health Services rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at EK Health Services: 45.9% Male and 54.1% Female. Age ratio at EK Health Services: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 18%, 31-40: 49%, 41-50: 12%, 51-60: 12%, 60+: 9%. EK Health Services rates - 11.1% more female than the industry average. Most EK Health Services employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does EK Health Services rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at EK Health Services: very low. EK Health Services ranks very low for career advancement which is below the industry average.
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What companies do EK Health Services employees go on to work at?
Future employers of EK Health Services: Alta Eye Care, Associated Students, SJSU, Barracuda Networks, Blue Shield Of California, People who work at EK Health Services most typically go on to work for the Alta Eye Care.
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Alta Eye Care
Associated Students, SJSU
Barracuda Networks
Blue Shield Of California

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Care Coordinator
Remote - October 10, 2023
Great Care Coordinator Team
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
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Culture and Values
I thoroughly enjoyed my time there as a care coordinator. Had amazing communication and team work between the coworkers. Stephanie does a great job at checking in with her team to make sure they have everything they need to succeed and is always available to help out.

Pros and Cons
Very flexible with schedule and having a work life balance.
benefits, accrue very little PTO and no sick time off or bereavement pay.
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Telephonic Nurse Case Management
Remote - June 29, 2023
Enjoyed working remote
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
Independent Remote Telephonic Nurse Case Management position with management support and follow up meetings to go over new California WC laws.

Pros and Cons
Working remote, great tools provided to perform job
Really were no cons
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Clinical Intake Coordinator
Summerville, SC - February 27, 2023
Avoid at all costs
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
Micromanagement, procedures that are redundant and lengthy, and constantly changing. “Critical Errors” are given left and right. Team members are encouraged to report mistakes, so a critical error can be given. The pay is subpar, raises are practically nonexistent. Value and appreciation as an employee is virtually zero.

Pros and Cons
I work remotely
Already stated above
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Discussion about EK Health Services

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When was EK Health Services founded?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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gender breakdown at EK Health Services?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
gender ratio is 54.1% female, 45.9% male.
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What industry does EK Health Services belong to?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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Where’s EK Health Services’s HQ located?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
San Jose, CA.
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What’s EK Health Services’s yearly revenue?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
$10m to $25m
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What’s the average length of tenure at EK Health Services?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Typically 4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did EK Health Services employees work for?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Small companies before EK Health Services.
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what are the chances of career advancement at EK Health Services?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
very low.
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving EK Health Services?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Alta Eye Care, Associated Students, SJSU, Barracuda Networks, Blue Shield Of California,, California Skin Institute, California State University East Bay, DataCare.
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Where did employees work before joining EK Health Services?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
ACS Services, Allied Universal, Amgen, Appleby & Company, Inc., Bunch CareSolutions, CID Management, Comppartners, Microsoft Corporation.
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How old are EK Health Services’s employees in general?
Liam Brown3 years ago
around 31-40.
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Where did most of EK Health Services employees go to school?
Liam Brown3 years ago
California State University-East Bay, City College of San Francisco, Logan University, San Jose State University, West Valley College.
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I wanna know EK Health Services’s mission statement, can someone point me to it?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
here it is: To restore quality of life through innovative and cost effective managed care solutions..
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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