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New Brunswick, New Jersey-based healthcare company Johnson & Johnson aims to keep people well at every age and every stage of life. The Fortune 500 firm believes that good health is the foundation of vibrant lives, thriving communities and forward progress. Driven by its mission to make work underpinned by diversity and inclusion, the company strives to improve access and affordability, create healthier communities, and put a healthy mind, body and environment within reach of everyone. Guided by its vision of “Be yourself, change the world”, Johnson & Johnson seeks individuals to join its team who spark solutions that create a better, healthier world. Johnson & Johnson is convinced that investing in its people pays all back, therefore the firm rewards its associates with benefits which fall into three categories: Healthiest Employees, Healthiest Families, and Healthiest Finances. If you consider joining Johnson & Johnson, you will find an array of job categories including Robotics and Automation, Machine Learning and AI, and Digital Development. As a student, you can apply for internships, co-ops, leadership development programs (LDPs) and full-time roles.

Company - Public
Over $10B
Multiple locations
Medical Equipment Manufacturers, Navigational / Measuring / Electromedical / Control Instrument Manufacturers
Alex Gorsky
What departments Johnson & Johnson employees work at?
other occupation28.9%
Management - Other14.2%
Sales / Retail9.5%
Computer / IT - Other7.1%
Financial Analysts and Advisors6.4%
Business Operations5.8%
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See what companies are similar to Johnson & Johnson
General Hospitals
Large size
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Johnson & Johnson employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Johnson & Johnson: Newcomers: 20%, Experiencers: 15%, Experts: 21%, Veterans: 44%. Johnson & Johnson employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Johnson & Johnson employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Johnson & Johnson: Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, DePuy Synthes Companies. Typical Johnson & Johnson employees have worked at Abbott.
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Bristol-Myers Squibb
DePuy Synthes Companies
What industries did Johnson & Johnson employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Johnson & Johnson: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Medical Equipment Manufacturers, Colleges / Universities, General Hospitals, Consulting Companies. Johnson & Johnson employees most likely come from a Pharmaceutical Manufacturers industry background.
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Where did Johnson & Johnson employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Johnson & Johnson: Small: 21%, Medium: 9%, Large: 70%. Most Johnson & Johnson employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Johnson & Johnson study?
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Where did employees at Johnson & Johnson study?
Drexel University
Penn State University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Johnson & Johnson?
Time employed at Johnson & Johnson: <1: 10%, 1-3: 26%, 4-8: 27%, 9-13: 15%, 14-20: 14%, 20+: 8%. Most Johnson & Johnson employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Johnson & Johnson rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Johnson & Johnson: 56.4% Male and 43.6% Female. Age ratio at Johnson & Johnson: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 27%, 31-40: 32%, 41-50: 25%, 51-60: 13%, 60+: 3%. Johnson & Johnson rates - 1.4% less female than the industry average. Most Johnson & Johnson employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at Johnson & Johnson?
Top roles of Johnson & Johnson: Financial Analyst, Scientist, Analyst, Manager, Associate Director. The top role at Johnson & Johnson is Financial Analyst.
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Financial Analyst
Associate Director

Career advancement

How does Johnson & Johnson rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Johnson & Johnson: high. Johnson & Johnson ranks high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Johnson & Johnson employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Johnson & Johnson: Bristol-Myers Squibb, DePuy Synthes Companies, Ethicon, Medtronic, Merck. People who work at Johnson & Johnson most typically go on to work for the Bristol-Myers Squibb.
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Bristol-Myers Squibb
DePuy Synthes Companies

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Johnson & Johnson Reviews and Ratings

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Operations Manager & Project Manager
Hixson, TN - November 7, 2022
Short lived
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
I was so excited to find this opportunity, or should I say they found me. I was hired with several expectations for the role, and I fulfilled all of them, securing support teams for EMEA locations via networking, and streamlining the surveys and volunteer forms for the project for both NA and EMEA. I took on additional responsibility and lead out in the NA Operations weekly meeting updating the agenda, taking notes, and reporting minutes weekly. I believe I was so eager I worked myself out of a job and it ended early. It was a contract job only.

Pros and Cons
Responsibility and pay
short lived, not recognized what I could do for the organization and continued in my work.
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Lead Instructional Designer
New Brunswick, NJ - September 2, 2021
JNJ workplace review
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
Meaningful, productive work; talented and collaborative colleagues Limited feedback; aim to provide timely coaching and feedback Strong work ethic; very professional, good communications among team members

Pros and Cons
Meaningful, productive work; talented and collaborative colleagues Strong work ethic;
Limited feedback; aim to provide timely coaching and feedback
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Clinical Research Manager
Indianapolis, IN - July 29, 2021
Professional Company Culture
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
I enjoyed working for J&J for over 25 years. I worked in the areas of psychiatry and neurology. The company expects excellence in your work product. There are opportunities for advancement. The culture is highly structured. You are evaluated on your ability to go above and beyond. However, you are rewarded for your efforts.

Pros and Cons
Advancement, compensation, challenging opportunities
May have to work more than 40 hours a week. Not a 9-5 environment
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May 7, 2021
Senior financial analyst
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
I worked for 3 years as a contractor loved every minutevof working there, would love to go back as a full time employee.

Pros and Cons
Commute was long
I would have liked to become perm which was not a good process of theirs
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Discussion about Johnson & Johnson

Want to know more about Johnson & Johnson?
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What’s the stock symbol of Johnson & Johnson?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What year was Johnson & Johnson founded?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
it was founded in 1887
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What industry is Johnson & Johnson in?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What’s the gender distribution at Johnson & Johnson?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
43.6% female, 56.4% male.
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What’s the main location of Johnson & Johnson?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
It’s New Brunswick, NJ.
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What’s Johnson & Johnson’s yearly revenue?
Liam Brown3 years ago
over $10b
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What’s the name of Johnson & Johnson’s CEO?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Alex Gorsky.
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What’s the average length of tenure at Johnson & Johnson?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Typically 4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Johnson & Johnson employees work for?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Large companies before Johnson & Johnson.
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How often do employees get promoted at Johnson & Johnson ?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
advancement opportunities are high
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Top future employers of Johnson & Johnson employees?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Bristol-Myers Squibb, DePuy Synthes Companies, Ethicon, Medtronic, Merck, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Pfizer, The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.
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Where did employees work before joining Johnson & Johnson?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, DePuy Synthes Companies, Ethicon, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, Merck, Pfizer, The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.
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What’s the average age at Johnson & Johnson?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
i think it’s 31-40.
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What kind of degree do you need to work at Johnson & Johnson?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
typically one of the followings Bachelor of Science, No higher education, Master of Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts
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can I choose not to work on weekends
2 years ago
Not always
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What kind of degree does Johnson & Johnson want from applicants?
2 years ago
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How busy is the pace of work at Johnson & Johnson?
2 years ago
Extremely busy
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Did you get a raise after your 3-month probationary period at Johnson & Johnson?
2 years ago
No. Yearly review only
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Where were you before joining Johnson & Johnson?
2 years ago
Consultant in Research
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Is it forbidden to wear flip flops to work at Johnson & Johnson?
2 years ago
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did you work at a big company before Johnson & Johnson?
2 years ago
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How many vacation days?
2 years ago
Depends on length of service
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pay every week or every 2 weeks?
2 years ago
Yes, every 2 weeks
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What’s Johnson & Johnson’s business mission statement?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
"The values that guide our decision making are spelled out in Our Credo. Put simply, Our Credo challenges us to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first. Our Credo is more than just a moral compass. We believe it’s a recipe for business success. The fact that Johnson & Johnson is one of only a handful of companies that have flourished through more than a century of change is proof of that".
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
Are you and Johnson & Johnson a perfect pairing? Let's explore your common touchpoints.