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As a 501(c)(3) organization, Summit Stone health partners has been providing healthcare services for more than 60years in the Larimer county. The company seeks to improve the aspect of behavioral health in the community. It is an equal opportunity employer that doe not discriminate against the qualified candidates regardless of their religion, sex, age, culture, background and other socio-demographic characteristics. The company affords each employee equal right to benefits and compensation packages. Some the benefits the company offers are as follows, medical leave, jury duty, dental, medical, vision insurance, cafeteria 125 plan, life insurance, bereavement leave, family leave and other benefits to encourage greater participation.

Multiple locations
General Hospitals, Home Health Care Services Companies, Niche Health Practitioners Companies, Outpatient Care Centers, Hospital
What departments SummitStone Health Partners employees work at?
other occupation52.8%
Community / Social Service47.2%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do SummitStone Health Partners employees have before joining?
Years of experience at SummitStone Health Partners: Newcomers: 24%, Experiencers: 29%, Experts: 10%, Veterans: 37%. SummitStone Health Partners employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did SummitStone Health Partners employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before SummitStone Health Partners: Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, Colorado State University, Larimer County. Typical SummitStone Health Partners employees have worked at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center.
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Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
Colorado State University
Larimer County
What industries did SummitStone Health Partners employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of SummitStone Health Partners: General Hospitals, Outpatient Care Centers, Niche Health Practitioners Companies, Home Health Care Services Companies, Hospital. SummitStone Health Partners employees most likely come from a General Hospitals industry background.
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Where did SummitStone Health Partners employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at SummitStone Health Partners: Small: 49%, Medium: 20%, Large: 31%. Most SummitStone Health Partners employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at SummitStone Health Partners study?
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Where did employees at SummitStone Health Partners study?
Colorado Christian University
Colorado State University-Fort Collins
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at SummitStone Health Partners?
Time employed at SummitStone Health Partners: <1: 13%, 1-3: 39%, 4-8: 34%, 9-13: 8%, 14-20: 4%, 20+: 2%. Most SummitStone Health Partners employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does SummitStone Health Partners rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at SummitStone Health Partners: 39.6% Male and 60.4% Female. Age ratio at SummitStone Health Partners: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 43%, 31-40: 32%, 41-50: 10%, 51-60: 8%, 60+: 7%. SummitStone Health Partners rates - 0.6% less female than the industry average. Most SummitStone Health Partners employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does SummitStone Health Partners rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at SummitStone Health Partners: low. SummitStone Health Partners ranks low for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do SummitStone Health Partners employees go on to work at?
Future employers of SummitStone Health Partners: Adams 12 Five Star Schools, Association for Community Living Inc, Colorado State University, Larimer County, Mind Springs Health & West Springs Hospital. People who work at SummitStone Health Partners most typically go on to work for the Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
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Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Association for Community Living Inc
Colorado State University
Larimer County
Mind Springs Health & West Springs Hospital