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Carestream Dental LLC is a privately owned dental health company with a mission to use technology to transform the dentistry and lives of many across the world. The company believes in collective work, and therefore ensures its employees work together to offer services. The company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and offers its services across France, China, Australia, Brazil, United States, India, Germany, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, and many other locations worldwide. Carestream Dental LLC offers services that include digital dentistry, intra-oral imaging, milling, intraoral scanning, CS solutions, and extra-oral imaging. The company has jobs available for global product management managers, software sales directors, and account executives. Employees at Carestream Dental LLC enjoy benefits that include health insurance, paid time off, 401k saving plans, and vacations. The company has over 100 employees and annually generates an estimated $1 billion in revenue.

Multiple locations
General Hospitals, Home Health Care Services Companies, Niche Health Practitioners Companies, Outpatient Care Centers, Hospital
What departments Carestream Dental LLC employees work at?
other occupation47.5%
Computer / IT27.7%
Sales / Retail24.8%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Carestream Dental LLC employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Carestream Dental LLC: Newcomers: 19%, Experiencers: 12%, Experts: 23%, Veterans: 46%. Carestream Dental LLC employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Carestream Dental LLC employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Carestream Dental LLC: ADP, Advanced Home Care, AT&T. Typical Carestream Dental LLC employees have worked at ADP.
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Advanced Home Care
What industries did Carestream Dental LLC employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Carestream Dental LLC: Computer Systems Design Companies, Medical Equipment Manufacturers, Consulting Companies, Food & Beverage Retailers, Niche Manufacturers. Carestream Dental LLC employees most likely come from a Computer Systems Design Companies industry background.
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Where did Carestream Dental LLC employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Carestream Dental LLC: Small: 35%, Medium: 10%, Large: 55%. Most Carestream Dental LLC employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Carestream Dental LLC study?
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Where did employees at Carestream Dental LLC study?
Emory University
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Carestream Dental LLC?
Time employed at Carestream Dental LLC: <1: 9%, 1-3: 21%, 4-8: 32%, 9-13: 16%, 14-20: 17%, 20+: 5%. Most Carestream Dental LLC employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is more than the industry average.
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How does Carestream Dental LLC rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Carestream Dental LLC: 63.3% Male and 36.7% Female. Age ratio at Carestream Dental LLC: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 24%, 31-40: 31%, 41-50: 27%, 51-60: 16%, 60+: 2%. Carestream Dental LLC rates - 6.7% more female than the industry average. Most Carestream Dental LLC employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Carestream Dental LLC rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Carestream Dental LLC: low. Carestream Dental LLC ranks low for career advancement which is below the industry average.
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What companies do Carestream Dental LLC employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Carestream Dental LLC: ADP, Carestream Health, Cloud 9 Software, Convergent Dental, ExamWorks. People who work at Carestream Dental LLC most typically go on to work for the ADP.
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Carestream Health
Cloud 9 Software
Convergent Dental

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Carestream Dental LLC Reviews and Ratings

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October 22, 2023
Fun working there
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
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Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
Fix the software for dentist offices been there for 19 years. I miss the people and the job. My supervisor was grest and fair

Pros and Cons
Free lunch
None really
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Tell Sales Representative
April 4, 2023
Do not work hered.
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
I worked at Carestream Dental from 2009 - 2012. From the first day, I started at Carestream, I knew I had made a mistake. The culture was not good, and people were not friendly. The attitude was, What can you do for me today? Very little support from upper management made me feel like I was walking on eggshells. I know there have been many changes, Carestream might be a nice place to work, but I cannot say for sure.

Pros and Cons
None I can think of.
Very pushing, did not work at making sales people better.
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Discussion about Carestream Dental LLC

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What’s the gender distribution at Carestream Dental LLC?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
36.7% female, 63.3% male.
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What industry is Carestream Dental LLC in?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
they’re in Healthcare.
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How often do employees get promoted at Carestream Dental LLC ?
Liam Brown3 years ago
advancement opportunities are low
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How long do people usually work for Carestream Dental LLC?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Carestream Dental LLC employees work for?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Large companies before Carestream Dental LLC.
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving Carestream Dental LLC?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
ADP, Carestream Health, Cloud 9 Software, Convergent Dental, ExamWorks, Henry Schein, NextGen Healthcare, Patterson Dental.
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Who are the top previous employers of Carestream Dental LLC employees?
Liam Brown3 years ago
ADP, Advanced Home Care, AT&T, Atlanta Hawks, Carestream Health, Eastman Kodak, MarketSource, Practice Works MD.
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What’s the average age at Carestream Dental LLC?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
31-40, 41-50.
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Where did most of Carestream Dental LLC employees go to school?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus, Kennesaw State University, Rochester Institute of Technology, The University of Georgia.
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Do they have career opportunities?
10 months ago
Company went through some changes, and they are heading on to new things which enable employees to learn and grow❤
10 months ago
They encourages training courses to help advancement and to help further your career😍
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How would you describe the pace of work ?
10 months ago
Fast pace of work. Call volume can be high at times.
10 months ago
In a constant flux and with more employees quitting or being changed to different departments a higher expectation of call volume is constantly being expected at all time🤩
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How often raise occur?
10 months ago
they yearly evaluate employee performance and raise is given based on contributions😇
10 months ago
Alongwith promotions
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Benefits and pay were decent.The only gripe I had towards the company was there was not a lot of opportunities to advance in the company
9 months ago
If you work hard and have no issues moving up to management is easy❤
9 months ago
It is a good place to work if you prefer working from home, helping clients with financialbased software issues🙃
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Good benefits, challenging work at least in my department.
10 months ago
They really care about employees and offer the amazing compensation packages
10 months ago
Its challenging but you can learn alot during challenging work tasks🤩
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Do they have WFH?
9 months ago
Depend on your job for which you applied.
9 months ago
Yes they'do offer WFH options to employees😊
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How is the work environment ofcompany?
10 months ago
If you work hard and have no issues moving up to management is easy It is sometimes difficult to find out who own a certain product or process otherwise pretty fun place.
10 months ago
Overall I have to say this company has contributed a lot to my success as an IT professional and I will certainly leave with a lot more that when I started with the company lastly I had a great experience😊
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I heard that they've 401k plan?
10 months ago
Yeah they match your contributions .
10 months ago
yup employee have the 401k plan benefit😍
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How is your interview process with them?
9 months ago
The interview with a team lead and the support manager was fairly straightforward they answered my questions about the opportunity and I did not feel any more pressure than any other similar interview I have been in.
9 months ago
Hiring was relatively fast through the companies recruiter once I applied😃
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Do they offer health insurance?
9 months ago
They changes the plans for coming years & they are even more expensive😎
9 months ago
Medical benefits are ok, premium is high.
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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