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Cowan Systems is a transportation and logistics company that provides a broad range of services, headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, with operations throughout the United States. Cowan Systems was created in 1994 and specializes in providing clients with high-quality, specialized fleet service. The fleet of the corporation has risen to 2,000 power units plus 5,000 trailers. With a network of Intermodal stations comprising over 600 power units, a fully equipped logistics division, as well as 3PL and Warehouse activities, the company uses modern 53' lightweight plate trailers. Since the firm values its workers, it provides a competitive wage, paid time off, health and dental insurance, vision plans, 401k match, as well as a variety of additional voluntary perks to all workers.

Company - Private
$100M to $500M
Multiple locations
Truck Transportation Companies
Joe Cowan
What departments Cowan Systems employees work at?
other occupation64%
Transportation / Logistics36%
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Truck Transportation Companies
Medium size
Transportation Support Companies
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Cowan Systems employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Cowan Systems: Newcomers: 31%, Experiencers: 25%, Experts: 14%, Veterans: 30%. Cowan Systems employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Cowan Systems employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Cowan Systems: Aerotek, Aflac, Bh Trucking Inc. Typical Cowan Systems employees have worked at Aerotek.
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Bh Trucking Inc
What industries did Cowan Systems employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Cowan Systems: Truck Transportation Companies, Transportation Support Companies, Consulting Companies, Niche Retailers, Food & Beverage Retailers. Cowan Systems employees most likely come from a Truck Transportation Companies industry background.
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Where did Cowan Systems employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Cowan Systems: Small: 33%, Medium: 20%, Large: 47%. Most Cowan Systems employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Cowan Systems study?
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Where did employees at Cowan Systems study?
The Community College of Baltimore County
Towson University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Cowan Systems?
Time employed at Cowan Systems: <1: 13%, 1-3: 28%, 4-8: 38%, 9-13: 13%, 14-20: 6%, 20+: 2%. Most Cowan Systems employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Cowan Systems rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Cowan Systems: 73.5% Male and 26.5% Female. Age ratio at Cowan Systems: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 58%, 31-40: 21%, 41-50: 9%, 51-60: 9%, 60+: 3%. Cowan Systems rates - 3.5% less female than the industry average. Most Cowan Systems employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Cowan Systems rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Cowan Systems: medium. Cowan Systems ranks medium for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Cowan Systems employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Cowan Systems: A&S Kinard, A Celadon Company, Capital Forest Products, Deloitte, Merkle, Nolan Transportation Group. People who work at Cowan Systems most typically go on to work for the A&S Kinard, A Celadon Company.
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A&S Kinard, A Celadon Company
Capital Forest Products
Nolan Transportation Group

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Allentown, PA - November 27, 2023
Safe place to work
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
Job was pretty easy. Good days and bad days like any other company. For the most part equipment was not so bad

Pros and Cons
Local and mornings shift for me
Not enough pay no overtime and the raise was from th19 60’s
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Discussion about Cowan Systems

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gender breakdown at Cowan Systems?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
gender ratio is 26.5% female, 73.5% male.
You comment as
What year was Cowan Systems founded?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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What industry does Cowan Systems belong to?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
You comment as
Where is Cowan Systems’s HQ?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Baltimore, MD.
You comment as
What’s Cowan Systems’s yearly revenue?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
$100m to $500m, i think
You comment as
Who is the CEO of Cowan Systems?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Joe Cowan.
You comment as
How often do employees get promoted at Cowan Systems ?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
advancement opportunities are medium
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What’s the average length of tenure at Cowan Systems?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Typically 4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Cowan Systems employees work for?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Large companies before Cowan Systems.
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving Cowan Systems?
Liam Brown3 years ago
A&S Kinard, A Celadon Company, Capital Forest Products, Deloitte, Merkle, Nolan Transportation Group, Ryder, System Freight, Werner Enterprises.
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Who are the top previous employers of Cowan Systems employees?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Aerotek, Aflac, Bh Trucking Inc, Carlisle Carrier Corp, Element Fleet Management, Enterprise, New Century Transportation, UPS.
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How old are Cowan Systems’s employees in general?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
around 21-30.
You comment as
Where did most of Cowan Systems employees go to school?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
The Community College of Baltimore County, Towson University, University of Delaware, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, University of Maryland-University College.
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What is the mission of Cowan Systems?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
"Cowan has successfully established a cooperative and cohesive company culture through the internalization of teamwork. As we continue to experience growth and success, we work diligently to maintain our environment that is both challenging and fun, and one that people want to go to every day. Our executive leadership acknowledges that Cowan’s recipe for success has always been its people. We recognize and promote the importance of work-life-balance for all Cowan employees.".
You comment as
How should I prepare for an interview
8 months ago
stay confident and foused to detail😃
8 months ago
just beyourself and honesty is key be honest and to the point😍
You comment as
I sent in a reply to an email from a company member 9 days ago- Should I email and ask about my applications status today.
9 months ago
I believe calling them is a better option or going up to the job in person.
9 months ago
You would actually call and ask about your application
You comment as
Steady work always on the road
9 months ago
being on the road all the time doesn't give much family time
9 months ago
it become diffcult to manatin worklife balance.😓
You comment as
How's the overall work environment of company?
9 months ago
I have seen tremendous growth here over the last decade. The team here is motivated to continue growing in the transportation industry💛
9 months ago
progressive forward thinking company that continually looks for ways to improve🥰
You comment as
Do they offer health insurance?
8 months ago
High monthly costs for insurance! A lot was taken out of my paycheck each week.😎
8 months ago
Costs were always going to be a little high with the amount of employees and the industry, but I can vouch and they did the best they could there.
You comment as
I've heard that Cowan does not offer tuition reimbursement. Is it true?
9 months ago
i think its not, 😭but i'm not pretty sure abt that man
9 months ago
no they don't
You comment as
What are the average work hours?
9 months ago
average working are are ten daily.
9 months ago
standard work hours are great its 8hrs daily and 40 weekly🙂
You comment as
what aout the pay and benefits of firm?
9 months ago
Plenty of overtime if you want it and great benefits. The management team is supportive and wants you to succeed. I highly recommend if you have a great attitude and good work ethic.
9 months ago
The pay and benefits are good, but it really wasn't worth it😓
You comment as
How would you describe the pace of work?
8 months ago
Overall good however there's times you set a lot and that's when it's great that they actually pay you for your setting time🥰
8 months ago
fast paced and always busy work schedule❤
You comment as
Is there a pet policy System🐕
8 months ago
No pets allowed guys
8 months ago
it is not a pet friendly company
You comment as
Does it allow for flexible working hours or ar the hours set?
9 months ago
you can get an 0700-1700 or 0800-1800:)
9 months ago
you’re lucky if you get Mon-Friday schedule
You comment as
The interview was great! We made good connections in all questions💞 Everything was explained
8 months ago
It was pretty easy and laid back. Spoke with the recruiter on the phone a few times before the interview. First interview was via zoom, after that I met with the team in person🥰
8 months ago
It was an overall good experience and the information was very straightforward and accurate💖
You comment as
the workload was a bit high for one person to complete during the day.
9 months ago
fast paced work pace with workload😍
9 months ago
sometime it's high rest it fine.😃
You comment as
Great People to work with, However you dont have a life outside of working there
8 months ago
The feeling of accomplishment when our group meets our goals and the company succeeds🥰
8 months ago
Finding a work-life balance was difficult when working on a small team
You comment as
How is feedback from management delivered ?
9 months ago
Great and detailed feedback is given for making improvements🥰
9 months ago
Feedback is done during reviews, twice a year
You comment as
Do they have good interview and onboarding process?
8 months ago
pleasant expereince they are really outstanding people although I did not get job due to some reasons but it's best interview process😘
8 months ago
supportive and very streamline process🥰
You comment as
Good company to work for & very fun loving & also productive !!
8 months ago
Good people to work with and staffing is great😍
8 months ago
They treat you very well and yes It's good company to work for and people are very funny❤
You comment as
Do they hire felons?
9 months ago
9 months ago
I'm not sure it depends.😅
You comment as
Over the past few years there was a noticeable emphasis on retaining good talent
9 months ago
Great environment, loving working here💚
9 months ago
Great people, great values and great place to work <3
You comment as
Promotion process is very slow🙄
8 months ago
Promotion process is slow😩
8 months ago
yearly based performance based promotions are given☺
You comment as
i’m currently working at a company and tbh im not enjoying it, So i'm hoping to apply next week . So i am hoping the working environment will be much better than my current place.
8 months ago
overall great company and friendly co-workers👬
8 months ago
good folks to work with
You comment as
What is orientation process?
8 months ago
during orienataion they will tell you about rules and regulation of company
8 months ago
very comfortable and realx orientataion employees get time to know about working procedures❤
You comment as
Do they give bonus?
8 months ago
Maybe be based o outcome and overtime an employee do
8 months ago
If you want to earn extra money then you have to do overtime and get paid for it in form of bonus..😇
You comment as
Work hard and play hard, rewarding when the company is successful😃
9 months ago
Enthusiastic people who know the hard work will pay off and make a difference🥰
9 months ago
The company is good but the managemet is sucks starting from the upper management😍
You comment as
The wages dont match with the discussion during interview.
9 months ago
that's not fair😐
9 months ago
market competitive wage scale honestly est company to work😃
You comment as
Do they have high workload?
10 months ago
work time is expected to do 16 hours of work and 10 hours and only get paid for eight.
10 months ago
yes extended work hours increase workload😥
You comment as
If you were in charge, what would you do to make it a better place to work?
9 months ago
Lead by example strive for and to have productive happy employees .. to be encouraging and inspirational even when the pressure is on deliver on time
9 months ago
Stop giving unreasonable hours. People are people not robots
You comment as
Do you get chance of apprenticeship?
8 months ago
yeah ad amazing fact is that it's paid.
8 months ago
yes you will get chance easily & learn alot.
You comment as
I have been with them since August 2020 the best part of the job has been getting to be part of a team❣
9 months ago
They helped me get up to speed quickly. I cannot say enough about its culture.
9 months ago
Working here make me feel like I have a purpose🥰
You comment as
The culture here is great positive, supportive and provide all the necessary tools you need to be successful💗
9 months ago
I loved my time at this place pay could be better but job is easy😁
8 months ago
A place where you get out what you put in😍
You comment as
What would you suggest management do to prevent others from leaving?
9 months ago
The pay has to go up...I always thought the pay was ok until I retired..I have looked around since retirement and the current pay is low😟
9 months ago
Keep them busy and increase the wage scale😌
You comment as
What is a typical day like for you ?
9 months ago
Working to 10-12 hours a day
9 months ago
Pretty much like any other trucking company😇
You comment as
Do they have training and development?
8 months ago
they really focus on training and development of employees.
8 months ago
yeah they train employees for longterm sucess🥰
You comment as
It is a great company however some upper managers are not the best and extremely hard to work for.
9 months ago
It is a productive and fun workplace. Management is supportive and helpful 😍
9 months ago
most enjoyable part was greeting the drivers, helping with their paperwork🙂
You comment as
what is typical day for you like?
8 months ago
stressing and full of workload.
8 months ago
busy and full of learning expereince you learn alot.
You comment as
What are the drug tests urine and follicle or urine?
8 months ago
randomly not sure.
8 months ago
Urine test only😇
You comment as
i had an interview today and I hope i will get a chance to join the company. Will they hire me. I'm pretty nervous abt that.🤔
9 months ago
You can do it! 🙏
9 months ago
You comment as
Do you think working with them is difficult?
9 months ago
Trucking is trucking so sometimes it's stressful during peak time but that's expected in this industry
9 months ago
diffcult during workload things become diffcult and overtime too😰
You comment as
What about the promotion of company?
9 months ago
for me no promotion concpet I quit within 3 months.
9 months ago
Rarely based on performance of employees
You comment as
Do they value drivers?
8 months ago
Yeah they do
8 months ago
company does not care about their employees at all😢
You comment as
The department works really well together as a team and has never been late with payroll.
9 months ago
sometime it's late 🥺
9 months ago
well that depend how fast and slow their process is😇
You comment as
I heard they give you plenty of time off for family🥰
9 months ago
They are very accomodating😍
9 months ago
Great local job working 12 a day, great schedule 4 on 4 off😅
You comment as
what about the management of compay how they treat employees?
8 months ago
Management and dispatch are very easy to work with😃
8 months ago
It is a good family run and oriented business.
You comment as
How long do you have to work before you can go on maternity leave?
9 months ago
90 days of employment :)
9 months ago
great benefits 90 days of work is must😍
You comment as
Very pleased with the way things worked out with the job🤩
9 months ago
Professional workplace with Famliy atmosphere❤
9 months ago
This company has serious issues and most likely will not succeed in the future😒
You comment as
Can you take truck home as a Company Driver?
8 months ago
it's not allowed at all🙃
8 months ago
No, you have to drive to the account
You comment as
working with them is facing alot of challenges..🥺
7 months ago
a faimly oriented atmosphere with great people around you🤩
7 months ago
My experience of working with them is great they really care for employees😍
You comment as
Salary is ok benefits are too nothing special at all😌
8 months ago
The driver should always be the top priority but like most others they don't put the driver first.
8 months ago
his company is only for people who just started driving and retired people they do not pay good and you will always be broke each paycheck😞
You comment as
Are you allowed to use bluetooth hands free headset to make calls when driving?
10 months ago
best option is avoid using phone while driving.
9 months ago
Yes you can use Bluetooth headset😉
You comment as
Does they have a unionized workforce?
9 months ago
They are not unionized at all
9 months ago
No not unionized😅
You comment as
How's the pace of work?
8 months ago
always busy and working
8 months ago
i'ts quick pace
You comment as
Sick leave is very generous.
8 months ago
2-3 weeks of paid weeks🙂
8 months ago
They are really good and provide you paid time off of two weeks😀
You comment as
Where it is located and do the company owned any branches throughout the country.
8 months ago
has operations across the United States
8 months ago
headoffice in Maryland🤫
You comment as
Is work tasks are easy?
9 months ago
yes it's mostly driving
9 months ago
it's depend on how you manage tasks.😁
You comment as
How is the HR department of company?
8 months ago
Hr department is very effective and smooth🥰
8 months ago
Hr is outsatnding keep records and resolve queries within time😘
You comment as
How long it takes to get hired?
8 months ago
maximum it takes upto 1 months from applying to getting job offer🙂
8 months ago
the whole process takes upto 3-4 weeks and how quikly they need to fill the position also depends😃
You comment as
Are you happy with the company culture and environment?
9 months ago
They are a good company. I have always been treated fairly❤
9 months ago
Job has awesome benefits.... paid vacation days and holiday including sick days....coworkers are ok to deal with ....😘
You comment as
What's the paid holiday policy?
8 months ago
paid holidays is a good time off to spend time with the family🤩
8 months ago
No paid holidays unless you worked the actual holiday. So holiday incentives as opposed to paid holidays🙁
You comment as
I'm wanna know the minimum hiring qualifications 🤫that is needed to get a job
8 months ago
pass written and road test😉
8 months ago
When I first started, you need at least 1 year experience but this company is losing some many staff. So now it’s 6 months
You comment as
Do they check background of employees?
8 months ago
yeah backgroud check is must y them😃
8 months ago
they did mine🙃
You comment as
what's the vacation poliy for employees?
8 months ago
you an take time off management is very understanding
8 months ago
2 weeks of vacations yearly😎
You comment as
Whats the sick leave policy?
9 months ago
it's of one to two weeks maximum😎
9 months ago
1 week of paid sick leave after 3 months of employment with them😊
You comment as
How's the worklife balance of company?
10 months ago
it's great for me I ca maintain it easily🥰
10 months ago
Ok workpolace with OK worklife balance sometime workload
You comment as
Plenty of work if you want it can be long hours and not for everyone but you'll make a good living
9 months ago
Clear cut what duties are to be performed as an employee what pay will be, and expectations of job🙃
9 months ago
As any job, some good and ome not so much. I like the job though🥺
You comment as
A strong company with growth opportunity😍
9 months ago
Been here for almost three months. Love my job
9 months ago
Good place to work if ur a motivated person🥰
You comment as
this company is competitive in the markets they deal in and has a good customer base but sometimes they slip and let things get away from them😍
9 months ago
Most of the loads is no touch freight sometimes your load is not ready you could wait 3 to 4 hours to get your load and they make up for that wait
9 months ago
Straight forward info but cant back up with miles😎
You comment as
How far back in time do they go on the Background Check? I have a misdemeanor (guilty) from just short of nine years ago.
9 months ago
They look 7 years back
9 months ago
You will be ok I had a misdemeanor, but they still hired me.
You comment as
I'm the real happy drivers of firm :)
8 months ago
I loved my hours I loved the job I did and some of the people I worked with💗
8 months ago
Grear workplace!!
You comment as
I heard worklife balance did't exit..😳
9 months ago
total work hours per day is 8hours so it's fine you can maintain worklife balance😎
9 months ago
I'm scared how employees manage their time :(
You comment as
Do they pay for overtime?
8 months ago
I always get paid If I done overtime they always reward it.
8 months ago
I never did overtime :))
You comment as
Do these trucks have automatic transmission or manual transmission
8 months ago
I think both availabe😅
8 months ago
mostly its automatic 🤓
You comment as
How do you feel about going to work each day?
9 months ago
I felt tired everday😐
9 months ago
I feel motivated and amazing😃
You comment as
Do you get holidays off to spend time with your family? Such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. And if so how many days are you allowed to have off for that?
9 months ago
Yes time off on all holidays it varied on what day the holiday fell on and if there is a job lined up
9 months ago
Open seven days a week. Holidays rotational if if falls on your normal work day😅
You comment as
Friendly coworkers and environment
8 months ago
Coworkers are very helpful🥰
8 months ago
Culture isn't a priority, people are expendable and undervalued😭
You comment as
How often do you get a raise?
9 months ago
it's anually after evaluation of performance :)
9 months ago
along with promotion 😍
You comment as
The company has a good reputation for working with drivers If I ever had the need to go back on the road this would be one of the first companies I’ll look into
8 months ago
I’ve never been stressed out working here unlike a few other companies Ive worked for.
8 months ago
Benefits are good... they're just a little higher than most places😁
You comment as
Do they do pre employment drug testing
8 months ago
Yes they do pre employment and random drug testing
8 months ago
Drug testing is must for all employees.😃
You comment as
You will get paid weekly?
8 months ago
pay is biweekly
8 months ago
yeah they get paid weekly😎
You comment as
I am working with them since 3years no raise no promotion😭
8 months ago
yearly promotions for employees😁
8 months ago
very hard to get promotion that's why I do'nt recommend for longterm employment😩
You comment as
How did you feel about telling people you worked ?
9 months ago
very smart and talented people which to me is a little nervous about my chances to succeed at this company
9 months ago
This company gives you a sense of belonging makes you proud to tell people you belong there😍
You comment as
How is the payroll?
8 months ago
payroll is amazing team work is great among departments🥰
8 months ago
it's never gets late they are too good.
You comment as
what are the perks and benefits for employees?
9 months ago
It’s nice they offer benefits, unfortunately they are not great. Expensive health insurance
9 months ago
health insurnace, 401k plan and pto🧐
You comment as
Is there any pet policy?
9 months ago
I heard they dont have any and it's 100% true.
9 months ago
nothing like that :(
You comment as
very flexible schedules😃
9 months ago
really great and accomodate you according to flex time😄
9 months ago
Very flex time with great work hrs you can choose easily work hrs and shift☺
You comment as
Decent company to work for :))
8 months ago
Alot of office gossip rest ok🤓
8 months ago
A strong company with growth opportunity💜
You comment as
Do they have both fulltime and partime employees?
8 months ago
I highlr recommend this job really great.😃
8 months ago
fulltime and partime employees are working with me and I'am working as fulltime great benefits🥰
You comment as
How did you get your first interview?
9 months ago
one of my friend was working with them and he suggest me to apply and luckly I recieved job🥳
9 months ago
Was referred by another driver🙃
You comment as
Are there minimum age requirements for specific roles ?
8 months ago
they have specific requirement of age.
8 months ago
Yeah they have 😜
You comment as
How is your Job experience with them?
8 months ago
It was team oriented when it came to any projects🤗
8 months ago
Its a quality place to work😍
You comment as
I've heard that it does pre employment drug testing these days.
8 months ago
Yes they do pre employment and random drug testing
8 months ago
Mandatory drug test before begin.🤫
You comment as
What is the work from home policy?
8 months ago
Basically everyone has to be in the office.
8 months ago
Work from home is permitted according to your job and manager😜
You comment as
The work is there, I’m paid by the hour but its not spectacular
8 months ago
yes pay rate depend on the number of hours you work🤑
8 months ago
You comment as
I doubt can we wear other corporate wear besides their uniform.​
8 months ago
offer a shirt with the Cowan Systems logo
8 months ago
appropriate work attire❤
You comment as
what's the wage system?
9 months ago
salary vary from position to position but it's market competitive😉
9 months ago
pay system is best I'm satisfied with the system❤
You comment as
Is it diverse place?
9 months ago
to some extent it is
9 months ago
many employees with diverse background😆
You comment as
Does they offer a dental plan? What does it cover?
8 months ago
offer a lot of plans to take out more and not leave you nothing on your paychecks
8 months ago
yes annual check up and 80% coverage😅
You comment as
Do you get support from management as employees?
8 months ago
management somehow is not active
8 months ago
they listen employee oncerns but take tons to solve issue🤩
You comment as
I guess pay could be better
9 months ago
it's already market standard
9 months ago
wages are very standard and upto market 😍
You comment as
I am quitting my current job as IT service Desk-Intern in a few days and I want to apply for a position at this company but I'm not sure about if the job vacancies are available.
8 months ago
has job opportunities that match your interests
8 months ago
yes, it has. give it a go
You comment as
Management is great I love working with them never leave this work place.
8 months ago
It is extremely hard to succeed due to lack of company resources in a competitive market.
8 months ago
yeah no doubt they got amazing management who cares about employees.
You comment as
Do they do a drug test when you get hired ? And do they do criminal background checks? Do they do monthly drug test?
8 months ago
There is a drug test when you are hired. No monthly drug test.😎
8 months ago
They do both a drug test and a criminal background test to insure safety with clients and the company.
You comment as
what type of questions they ask from you?
8 months ago
most importantly they test your driving skills :)
8 months ago
quik, easy and straigh forward😃
You comment as
How are the coworkers?
9 months ago
For the most part you are left on your own😫
9 months ago
Company and team dinners, great culture, hard work is rewarded and recognized, youre not treated like a number🥰
You comment as
Should Ia apply for job with them?
9 months ago
its amazing company give a try
9 months ago
company is really amazing with amazing beefits for employees🥰
You comment as
Is there staffing agencies where you can apply from and start working at or does it have to be directly from them?
8 months ago
I just went on the website.
8 months ago
directly via website ot through directly applying.
You comment as
What is the best part of working?
9 months ago
for me the benefits and coworkers are amazing😍
9 months ago
You can be you at your own pace😉
You comment as
Communication from dispatch to driver is vague and poor😣
8 months ago
but my superivisor always communicate everythig to me so I do't have ay issue😉
8 months ago
sometime information is missing & things become diffcult to manage😥
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The accommodations were top notch and the food was good😍
8 months ago
yes food is provided by them..😋
8 months ago
wao that's interesting and great..will recommend to others🥰
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If you like over time this the place to work
9 months ago
overtime is during rush hours😭
9 months ago
paid overtime and it's choice of employees😉
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Do they have any requirement for dress code?
8 months ago
Business Casual attire
8 months ago
nothig special requirements just look neat ad clean with proper pant and shirt🤩
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Is it valueable company ?
8 months ago
The people there were great to work with, and made it very difficult to leave.
8 months ago
Advancement is possible though you may need to relocate😇
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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