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Freed Maxick is a company that provides consulting services to public and private companies in western and central New York to increase profitability, save taxes, improve accountability, and reduce risk. They focus on helping customers discover and realize their bottom-line potential and provide reasonable business advice based on their depth of service and extensive industry experience. Although they maintain contact with external resources across the country, they continue to maintain independence and the ability to make local decisions. They are different because they have bench strength and can provide various services to highly skilled professionals, but they are not affected by cost structures or bureaucracy. These factors are usually transformed into world-class services at prices commensurate with the markets in which they operate. At Freed Maxick, their employees are their greatest wealth, which is why they provide comprehensive benefits plans, including workplace flexibility through virtual desktop systems, flexible hours throughout the year, company-matched 401(k) plans, CPA exam support, and bonus plan, CPA study plan discount, dedicated performance consultant, among others.

Company - Private
$25M to $50M
Multiple locations
Accounting / Tax / Payroll Companies
Tim McPoland
What departments Freed Maxick employees work at?
Accounting / Finance37.9%
other occupation33.5%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Freed Maxick employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Freed Maxick: Newcomers: 22%, Experiencers: 20%, Experts: 31%, Veterans: 27%. Freed Maxick employees have 5-8 years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Freed Maxick employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Freed Maxick: Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kershner LLP, Dopkins & Company, EFPR Group LLP. Typical Freed Maxick employees have worked at Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kershner LLP.
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Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kershner LLP
Dopkins & Company
What industries did Freed Maxick employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Freed Maxick: Accounting / Tax / Payroll Companies, Food & Beverage Retailers, Colleges / Universities, Commercial Banking Companies, Consulting Companies. Freed Maxick employees most likely come from a Accounting / Tax / Payroll Companies industry background.
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Where did Freed Maxick employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Freed Maxick: Small: 34%, Medium: 14%, Large: 52%. Most Freed Maxick employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Freed Maxick study?
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Where did employees at Freed Maxick study?
Canisius College
Niagara University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Freed Maxick?
Time employed at Freed Maxick: <1: 9%, 1-3: 28%, 4-8: 37%, 9-13: 16%, 14-20: 6%, 20+: 4%. Most Freed Maxick employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Freed Maxick rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Freed Maxick: 60.1% Male and 39.9% Female. Age ratio at Freed Maxick: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 49%, 31-40: 36%, 41-50: 6%, 51-60: 9%, 60+: 0%. Freed Maxick rates - 3.1% less female than the industry average. Most Freed Maxick employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at Freed Maxick?
Top roles of Freed Maxick: Manager, Staff Accountant, Supervisor, Tax Manager, Staff Associate. The top role at Freed Maxick is Manager.
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Staff Accountant
Tax Manager
Staff Associate

Career advancement

How does Freed Maxick rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Freed Maxick: high. Freed Maxick ranks high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Freed Maxick employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Freed Maxick: Catholic Health System, EY, Kaleida Health, M&T Bank, New Era Cap. People who work at Freed Maxick most typically go on to work for the Catholic Health System.
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Catholic Health System
Kaleida Health
M&T Bank
New Era Cap

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gender breakdown at Freed Maxick?
Liam Brown3 years ago
gender ratio is 39.9% female, 60.1% male.
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When was Freed Maxick established?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What industry does Freed Maxick belong to?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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Where’s Freed Maxick’s HQ located?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
The HQ is at Buffalo, NY.
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What’s Freed Maxick’s yearly revenue?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
$25m to $50m, i think
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What’s the name of Freed Maxick’s CEO?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Tim McPoland.
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What’s the average length of tenure at Freed Maxick?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
around 4-8 year(s) in my experience
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what kind of companies did Freed Maxick employees work for?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Large companies before Freed Maxick.
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How often do employees get promoted at Freed Maxick ?
Liam Brown3 years ago
advancement opportunities are high
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where do employees go to work after leaving Freed Maxick?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Most went to work for one of these companies: Catholic Health System, EY, Kaleida Health, M&T Bank, New Era Cap, PwC, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, The Bonadio Group
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Where did employees work before joining Freed Maxick?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kershner LLP, Dopkins & Company, EFPR Group LLP, EY, Kaleida Health, M&T Bank, Medaille College, PwC.
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What’s the average age at Freed Maxick?
Liam Brown3 years ago
i think it’s 21-30.
You comment as
Where did most of Freed Maxick employees go to school?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Canisius College, Niagara University, State University of New York College at Brockport, State University of New York College at Geneseo, University at Buffalo.
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What’s Freed Maxick’s business mission statement?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
"We believe in making a difference in people's lives through our passion for helping others.We inspire those around us to embrace curiosity and see potential.By developing personal relationships, we foster growth and build value.What inspires you to make a difference?".
You comment as
I've been with Freed Maxick for over a decade and it's been a privilege to be a part of such an incredible team. The company is always adapting to the needs of its employees and providing the flexibility and opportunities to help us achieve our goals.
9 months ago
It's clear that Freed Maxick understands the importance of employee satisfaction and well-being, a key ingredient for a successful company.
9 months ago
The company's dedication to its employees is truly admirable, it's not something you see every day.😻
You comment as
Let me start by saying that I really enjoy the people I work with, both directly and indirectly—the people that Freed attracts and retains are bright, hard-working, and down-to-earth. Management/Directors are incredibly approachable and accessible.
9 months ago
Bright and hardworking colleagues are always a plus, it makes for a productive work environment.
9 months ago
Your positive experience with management and colleagues sounds like a great indication of a supportive and collaborative work environment.
You comment as
This company truly values their employees with great benefits like health and dental insurance and paid time off starting on the first day. Plus, the flex schedule is a game changer!
9 months ago
Yes they truly do and I am proud of working here
9 months ago
I really want my sister to get a job here with me🤩
You comment as
The company culture at Freed Maxick is collaborative and inclusive. Everyone is encouraged to share their ideas and contribute to the success of the team.
10 months ago
I'm glad to hear the company encourages employees to get involved in charitable efforts. It's important for businesses to make a positive impact on the community.
10 months ago
Freed Maxick sounds like a great place to work, it's always important for a company to have a strong sense of purpose and values. Keep up the good work!🥰
You comment as
I feel truly valued as an employee at Freed Maxick. The management team goes out of their way to understand the unique needs of its employees and provide the resources and support we need to succeed.
9 months ago
It sounds like Freed Maxick's management team truly cares about the well-being and success of its employees. That's a fantastic quality to have in a workplace.
9 months ago
The fact that the management team at Freed Maxick takes the time to understand the unique needs of its employees is a testament to the company's commitment to fostering a positive work environment.🤟
You comment as
I appreciate the great benefits offered by this company, including health and dental insurance, paid time off starting immediately, and the flexibility to control my schedule during non-busy hours.
9 months ago
I'm glad to know that the company values work-life balance, paid time off starting immediately is a big plus for me.
9 months ago
I'm definitely considering applying to this company, the benefits package seems really attractive and it's great to hear that it's offered to all employees🌈
You comment as
I've seen a lot of changes in my life during my time at Freed Maxick, but one thing that has remained constant is the company's commitment to its employees. The management team truly values its employees and goes above and beyond to make sure we are happy and fulfilled in our roles.
9 months ago
The ability of Freed Maxick to adapt to the changing needs of its employees is something that sets it apart from other companies.
9 months ago
The company's flexibility and willingness to make changes that benefit its employees shows a level of understanding and care that is truly rare.
You comment as
I have an interview coming up at the company in few weeks, wi need some information on what the interview is like and the questions
8 months ago
It went for 1.5 hours. Got selected for in person interview and the location was in Rochester. It went for 1.5 hours.
8 months ago
Questions were asked from my resume. Got selected for in person interview and the location was in Rochester. It went for 1.5 hours.
You comment as
The leadership team at Freed Maxick is approachable and supportive. They are always willing to listen to feedback and make improvements to the company.
9 months ago
It's refreshing to see a company that is not only aware of changes in the industry but actively takes steps to stay current. Kudos to Freed Maxick for their forward-thinking approach.
9 months ago
The team at Freed Maxick is truly a cut above the rest when it comes to staying on top of the latest industry developments. Their dedication to staying informed is truly admirable.🙂
You comment as
The culture at Freed Maxick is one of collaboration and support. The management team is always looking for ways to make our jobs easier and more fulfilling, which has made my time at the company truly enjoyable.
9 months ago
The management team's focus on employee satisfaction is commendable.
9 months ago
The culture at Freed Maxick appears to be highly supportive and conducive to job satisfaction.⭐
You comment as
I feel valued as an employee at Freed Maxick. The company offers flexible work schedules and a supportive work environment, which makes it a great place to work and grow.
10 months ago
I think I can always compromise on my time and money but I can never compromise on how I am being treated at a company
10 months ago
One should always feel valued as an employee at their workplace otherwise it's a waste of time🌈
You comment as
I've always felt supported by my managers - My colleagues are professional and fun to work with. I consider some to be good friends. - Even when I was an entry level staff, I was invited to voice my thoughts and opinions
9 months ago
Being able to voice your thoughts and opinions as an entry-level staff is a sign of a company that values employee input.
9 months ago
Your positive experience sounds like a great indication of a well-rounded and supportive workplace.
You comment as
I have been able to work on a variety of interesting projects while at Freed Maxick. The company provides opportunities to work on diverse projects that are meaningful and impactful.
9 months ago
Being with Freed Maxick for over a decade is a testament to the company's commitment to its team and its ability to adapt and evolve.
9 months ago
It's clear that Freed Maxick prioritizes the professional growth and development of its employees, it's a great place to build a career!🌈
You comment as
Joining Freed Maxick straight out of college was one of the best decisions I've made. The company offers a great work-life balance and provides plenty of opportunities for growth and development.
9 months ago
The balance between work and personal life is important and it's good to hear that Freed Maxick offers that.
9 months ago
The opportunity for growth and development is crucial in a career and it seems Freed Maxick provides that to its employees.🙂
You comment as
I feel that the firm does a good job of opening opportunites to grow, and it is up to me to take advantage of my career path. I have been able to work in many different areas, gaining knowledge and experience in each, and feel that management has done all they can to make sure I end up with work that I am truly passionate about.
9 months ago
Gaining knowledge and experience in various areas sounds like a valuable opportunity.
9 months ago
Your experience with the firm sounds like a great example of a fulfilling career path.
You comment as
I'm very pleased with the benefits package at this company, including excellent health and dental coverage, paid time off, and a flexible schedule.
8 months ago
are we eligible for the benefits from the very first day of our job?
8 months ago
All these benefits sounds amazing
You comment as
I've been impressed by the way Freed Maxick adapts to the changing needs of its employees. Whether it's offering a flexible schedule for working parents or allowing employees to work from home during busy seasons, the company is always looking for ways to make our lives easier.
10 months ago
The level of support and resources provided by the management team is truly impressive, it makes a big difference in employee satisfaction.
10 months ago
Being an employee at Freed Maxick is more than just a job, it's a partnership where the company truly cares about your success and growth.🤩
You comment as
Freed Maxick has been a great place to start my career. The company provides a great work-life balance and plenty of opportunities for growth and development. I'm proud to be a part of such a dynamic team.
9 months ago
I worked here for 2 years it was a fun time overall
9 months ago
I couldn't thank my seniors enough for teaching some great skills to me!😻
You comment as
The friendly and welcoming office culture is awesome! FM also provides a great onboarding and training process for new hires.
10 months ago
A positive culture and good onboarding process is a great indication of a company that values its employees.
10 months ago
Based on your post, it sounds like FM is a great place to work and a great place to start your career.
You comment as
I am impressed with the benefits package at this company, including top-notch health and dental coverage, paid time off, and the ability to set my own schedule during non-peak hours.
9 months ago
Paid time off is always a great perk, it's not something that all companies offer. The ability to set your own schedule during non-peak hours is a bonus
9 months ago
I am definitely considering applying to this company, the benefits package sounds like it would be great for my needs🙂
You comment as
I have had a great experience working here. Their team is professional and dedicated to helping clients achieve their bottom-line potential.
10 months ago
Based on this post, it seems like a positive and productive work environment.
10 months ago
I am interested in learning more about this company and its team-oriented approach.
You comment as
I have been impressed by the company's ability to adapt to changes in the industry. Freed Maxick stays current with the latest trends and developments in the field.
10 months ago
Love the idea of being able to work on diverse and impactful projects, it keeps things fresh and interesting.
10 months ago
Freed Maxick seems like the ideal work environment for those who want to make a real difference while also being able to take on new and challenging projects.
You comment as
does the company only offer full tyime position?
8 months ago
they offer both full time and parttime
8 months ago
i have also heard u can fully work remotely or in any of their three office locations.
You comment as
is Freed Maxixk a good place to work as a recent graduate?
9 months ago
a great place to start for recent college graduates💯
9 months ago
I started working there right after I graduated and the company helped with my transition into the working world
You comment as
what will be my role as a bookkepper at the company?
10 months ago
i ave heard that u will ssist with in-house payroll processing and tax filings
10 months ago
the position is quite soft as u will not be carrying out any technical duties. just like a normal assistant role at any other company💪
You comment as
I started with Freed as a MAX Intern and have currently been a full time employee for a couple months and already my time here has been amazing. Everyone I have worked with regardless of level has been very nice and willing to help me with anything I need. I have learned a lot in the short period I have been here and I can't wait to see what the future holds!
9 months ago
The short period of time you have been here and already learning a lot is a great sign of a good company.
9 months ago
Your positive experience and excitement for the future at Freed is a great indication of a company that offers opportunities for growth and development.
You comment as
The leadership team is truly outstanding. They are approachable and supportive, always willing to listen to feedback and make improvements to the company.
10 months ago
It's clear that the leadership team is dedicated to making the company a better place to work. Their willingness to listen to feedback is a strong sign of their commitment.
10 months ago
A leadership team that is approachable and supportive is essential for a company's success. It's great to hear that this is the case at this organization. I would be excited to work for a company with this kind of leadership.
You comment as
I was impressed by the comprehensive benefits package, including top-notch health and dental coverage, generous paid time off, and a flexible schedule.
9 months ago
are they covering insurance?
9 months ago
what else do we get while working here?
You comment as
The benefits at this company are fantastic, including comprehensive health and dental insurance, paid time off from the start, and the ability to set your own schedule during non-peak times.
9 months ago
so happy that I chose this company over others
9 months ago
I'm hoping to get a job here soon🤟
You comment as
Working at Freed Maxick has been a rewarding experience. The company is committed to making a positive impact on the community and encourages employees to get involved in charitable efforts.
9 months ago
A supportive and approachable leadership is key to a positive work culture, kudos to Freed Maxick for fostering such an environment.
9 months ago
Freed Maxick's leadership team seems to have their finger on the pulse of the company, always willing to listen and make improvements. It's a recipe for success!🤟
You comment as
My sister works here and she loves her job!!
10 months ago
Your sister's positive experience makes me want to apply here.
10 months ago
If your sister is happy, then the company must be doing something right.🤩
You comment as
what is the qualification to work as an administrative assistance at the company?
10 months ago
i checked ity from their website, minimum 5 years’ experience in a busy office environment
10 months ago
u must really have excellent keyboard skills
You comment as
Flexibility; working with people that care about you as an individual as well as your career path
8 months ago
The combination of flexibility and a supportive team makes this company sound like a great place to work.
8 months ago
This post has definitely made me consider applying to this company.
You comment as
People are treated professionally and as individuals and there's a lot of flexibility as well. We are busy but we still have fun!
9 months ago
The balance of professionalism and fun is a great indication of a well-rounded work environment.
9 months ago
Based on your post, it sounds like Freed is a company that values its employees and provides a positive and dynamic work environment.
You comment as
Finally guys! i have been offered job at the company! Pls, who can briefme on what the benefits are like at the company?
10 months ago
wow! interesting! not too many companies offers that these days
10 months ago
the best thing about our benefits package is the flexible scheduling and the ability to work from home when necessary
You comment as
I've been working at Freed Maxick for a little over a year now and I have to say, I'm really impressed with the company. The team here is incredibly knowledgeable and experienced, and they really know how to help companies improve their bottom-line potential. The work can be challenging at times, but it's always rewarding and I feel like I'm learning a lot.
10 months ago
I'm glad to hear that you feel like you're learning a lot, that's always a great sign of a good company.
10 months ago
Based on your post, Freed Maxick seems like a great place to work and grow as a professional.
You comment as
I've been with Freed Maxick for a few years now and I couldn't be happier with my choice. The company offers competitive pay and a wide range of benefits that make it a great place to work.
10 months ago
thank you so much for sharing your review for this place I was hoping to get a job here
10 months ago
how long do they take to hire an employee? 🥰
You comment as
I am so happy I made the decision to join Freed Maxick a few years ago. Everyone is so friendly and encouraging and we really help and enjoy working with each other. There are opportunities to learn and advance and programs like EARN (Employee Advancement and Retention Network) really set our firm apart.
10 months ago
Programs like EARN that focus on employee advancement and retention show that the company values its employees.
10 months ago
Your positive experience and the unique programs offered by Freed Maxick make it sound like a great place to work and grow.
You comment as
how will i apply for job at the company and how long does the hiring process takes?
9 months ago
but, it seems it depend on position applied for tho. I have a friend that also applied online and the whole process wa just 5 days
9 months ago
u can apply through college or university or through a recruiter👍
You comment as
The benefits offered by this company are top-notch, including health and dental insurance, paid time off from day one, and the ability to set your own schedule during non-busy times.
9 months ago
these are some quite big benefits I would say
9 months ago
You comment as
Overall, working at Freed Maxick has been an incredibly rewarding experience. The team is dedicated, knowledgeable, and supportive, making it a great place to work and grow. Working at Freed Maxick has been an incredible experience. The team is knowledgeable and supportive, and the company culture is truly one of a kind.
9 months ago
I can see that Freed Maxick has a unique company culture that values knowledge and support. It seems like a positive environment for employees.
9 months ago
I am excited about the opportunity to work with such a dedicated and supportive team at Freed Maxick. The company culture sounds like it aligns with my values and I look forward to the opportunity to grow with the company.🤩
You comment as
I started with Freed Maxick fresh out of college and have loved the atmosphere. There are flexible schedules and many employee benefits that make Freed a great place to work.
9 months ago
I am considering Freed Maxick as my next career move, thanks for sharing your experience.
9 months ago
The fact that you've been with Freed Maxick for a while and still love it is a great endorsement.
You comment as
I felt like I was able to work on a variety of projects and learn a lot during my time there. The company culture is also great, the people are friendly and supportive, and the work-life balance is good. Overall, I would highly recommend Freed Maxick to anyone looking for a career in accounting and consulting.
10 months ago
Based on your experience, I can see why you would highly recommend Freed Maxick.
10 months ago
It's always good to hear positive feedback about a company, especially for those looking for a career in accounting and consulting.
You comment as
I have been able to enhance my skills and knowledge while working at Freed Maxick. The company provides opportunities for professional development and growth.
9 months ago
I can see that Freed Maxick places a strong emphasis on professional development and growth, which is very important to me in a workplace.
9 months ago
the fact that Freed Maxick prioritizes skill and knowledge enhancement through professional development opportunities is very appealing to me. It shows that the company values its employees and their growth.⭐
You comment as
I worked here for a few years and it was a great experience. The company has a great reputation and they really know how to help companies improve their bottom-line potential. I especially appreciated the breadth of services they offer and the depth of experience of their team.
9 months ago
The team's depth of experience sounds like a valuable asset to the company and clients.
9 months ago
I can imagine working here was a great opportunity for professional growth and development.
You comment as
This company truly takes care of their employees with a great benefits package that includes health and dental insurance, paid time off, and a flexible schedule to fit your needs.
9 months ago
Flexibility is key and it sounds like this company understands that, being able to set your schedule to fit your needs is a huge plus.
9 months ago
I'm definitely considering applying to this company, the benefits package and the emphasis on work-life balance sounds like a great fit for me⭐
You comment as
Freed Maxick has been doing amamzingly well these days, are they looking for people?
10 months ago
i am not sure if they are actually looking for people now
10 months ago
you can definitely ask around or check their website or social media pages. i am sure u would find useful information
You comment as
It was a pleasure to work with so many competent professionals during my years there. They are a first-rate firm!
10 months ago
I appreciate the high praise for this company, it makes me want to check them out.
10 months ago
The fact that it's a first-rate firm makes me want to be a part of it.
You comment as
Freed Maxick has proved to be a firm that is proactive and progressive in terms of how they treat their employees. They are invested in not only developing them professionally, but take into consideration their lives outside of work.
10 months ago
I am impressed by Freed Maxick's progressive approach to employee treatment.
10 months ago
It's a promising sign that Freed Maxick values their employees as whole individuals, not just as workers.
You comment as
Freed is staffed by high quality professionals. It’s a great company to kick off your accounting career.
10 months ago
I can imagine working with experienced professionals would be beneficial for learning and growth.
10 months ago
Based on your post, Freed seems like a great company for young professionals to start their accounting career.
You comment as
This is a great company to work for! They treat their employees well, they have a great work environment and the work is rewarding.
9 months ago
The fact that the work is rewarding is a great sign, it's always a good feeling to feel fulfilled in your job.
9 months ago
Based on your post, it sounds like a great company to work for, I would be interested in learning more.
You comment as
One of the things I appreciate most about working at Freed Maxick is the company's commitment to professional development. They invest in their employees, providing opportunities for growth and skill-building.
10 months ago
The opportunities for professional growth are unparalleled at this company.
10 months ago
I appreciate the investment Freed Maxick makes in their employees' future success.
You comment as
I find the work to be varied and interesting and I think you have a lot of flexibility to pursue the areas that interest you most so that you can develop expertise. Although the work can be demanding at times, in my experience, if you demonstrate that you can be counted on you're given a lot of flexibility in how you approach your schedule and are treated like a professional
9 months ago
The flexibility in how you approach your schedule and being treated like a professional is a sign of a company that values their employees.
9 months ago
Based on your post, it sounds like Freed is a company that offers opportunities for professional growth and development.
You comment as
Senior leadership seeks out and implements employee's feedback improving the firm culture every year
9 months ago
Employee feedback is important for a positive work environment, it's great to know the leadership is taking it into account.
9 months ago
Based on your post, it sounds like Freed is a company that values employee input and is always looking for ways to improve the work environment.
You comment as
Flexible work time is great. They truly care about your work life balance. It feels like you're part of a family and they don't make you feel bad about having to attend to outside of work matters.
9 months ago
I appreciate the understanding attitude towards outside commitments.
9 months ago
This company is truly one of a kind with their emphasis on balance and support.
You comment as
i was wondering if the company offers cash bonus or profit sharing option
10 months ago
been wondering too. it's rare to get profit sharing, but i heard audit associate earns $2,140 Avg cash bonus
10 months ago
omg! the company offers both. i was damn surprised when i heard they offer this option.🤭
You comment as
I've been able to work on a wide variety of projects while at Freed Maxick, which has been a fantastic opportunity to learn and grow. The company encourages employees to take on new challenges and push themselves.
10 months ago
Companies that allow their employees to take on new challenges and push themselves are the ones that foster a culture of growth and development.
10 months ago
Freed Maxick sounds like a great place to work where employees have the chance to learn and grow through working on a diverse range of projects. This is a huge plus for me as a potential employee.
You comment as
Great firm culture. Freed employees are very intelligent, respectful people. The company treats their employees great.
9 months ago
The company's reputation of having intelligent and respectful employees is a good sign for potential employees.
9 months ago
Based on your post, it seems like Freed is a great company to work for and a great place to be surrounded by intelligent and respectful colleagues.
You comment as
how much do you earn at the company? what's the salary like?
9 months ago
the company reall pays well💯
9 months ago
u are damn right they do pay well. i have heard supervisors earn up to $86,013 per year🤗
You comment as
The firm handled the pandemic really well and the transition to remote work was smooth. I can choose to work remote or in the office. There is no requirement to go in office at the moment. - You can grow at your own pace and there are opportunities to move up.
10 months ago
The opportunity to grow at your own pace and move up within the company is always a plus.
10 months ago
Based on your post, it sounds like a company that values employee well-being and career development.
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
Are you and Freed Maxick a perfect pairing? Let's explore your common touchpoints.