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Hudson Headwaters Health Network, United States, is a medical clinic and health center. They provide common childhood ailments, gender, and age-related tests for diseases, medical information such as allergies, immunizations, vital statistics, and many more. They give proper care and treatment to the patients according to their needs. They also take various preventive measures and promote healthy lifestyles to people. They maintain the quality of their work and thus earns the trust and satisfaction of their patients. If you are diligent, sincere, creative, and skilled in the above-mentioned segment, you are welcome to submit your application. The company ensures various facilities like salaries, health safety, and many more for the employees and maintains a pleasant, comfortable, and lively work environment.

Multiple locations
General Hospitals, Outpatient Care Centers
John Rugge


Professional experience

How many years of experience do Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Hudson Headwaters Health Network: Newcomers: 21%, Experiencers: 18%, Experts: 11%, Veterans: 50%. Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Hudson Headwaters Health Network: Adirondack Health, Aeon Nexus Corporation, Albany Medical Center. Typical Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees have worked at Adirondack Health.
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Adirondack Health
Aeon Nexus Corporation
Albany Medical Center
What industries did Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Hudson Headwaters Health Network: General Hospitals, Outpatient Care Centers, Physicians, Niche Health Practitioners Companies, Hospital. Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees most likely come from a General Hospitals industry background.
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Where did Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Hudson Headwaters Health Network: Small: 28%, Medium: 19%, Large: 53%. Most Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Hudson Headwaters Health Network study?
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Where did employees at Hudson Headwaters Health Network study?
Adirondack Community College
State University of New York College at Plattsburgh
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Hudson Headwaters Health Network?
Time employed at Hudson Headwaters Health Network: <1: 7%, 1-3: 24%, 4-8: 41%, 9-13: 14%, 14-20: 5%, 20+: 9%. Most Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Hudson Headwaters Health Network rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Hudson Headwaters Health Network: 25.0% Male and 75.0% Female. Age ratio at Hudson Headwaters Health Network: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 16%, 31-40: 31%, 41-50: 32%, 51-60: 16%, 60+: 5%. Hudson Headwaters Health Network rates - 14.0% more female than the industry average. Most Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees are 41-50, which is above the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at Hudson Headwaters Health Network?
Top roles of Hudson Headwaters Health Network: Physician Assistant, Physician, Front Office Assistant, Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse. The top role at Hudson Headwaters Health Network is Physician Assistant.
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Physician Assistant
Front Office Assistant
Licensed Practical Nurse

Career advancement

How does Hudson Headwaters Health Network rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Hudson Headwaters Health Network: low. Hudson Headwaters Health Network ranks low for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Hudson Headwaters Health Network employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Hudson Headwaters Health Network: Alliance for Positive Health, athenahealth, Berkshire Health Systems, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Cerner. People who work at Hudson Headwaters Health Network most typically go on to work for the Alliance for Positive Health.
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Alliance for Positive Health
Berkshire Health Systems
Cancer Treatment Centers of America