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The CHI St. Alexius Health system was established in April 2016. At that time, several health care institutions of the Catholic Health Program jointly formed the largest health care delivery system in North Dakota. The system consists of the tertiary hospitals in Bismarck and the emergency hospitals (CAH) in Carrington, and Williston, as well as numerous clinics. CHI St. Alexius Health also manages five CAHs in North Dakota, which are located in the Ashley, Elgin, Linton and Wishek communities, as well as the Mobridge regional hospitals and clinics in SD, Mobridge. CHI St. Alexius Health is part of the Catholic Health Program (CHI), a national non-profit health system located in Englewood. The system operates in 18 states and 103 hospitals. Other services provided within the system include: long-term care, assisted and residential communities, community health service organizations, family health agencies, and numerous outpatient facilities. CHI St. Alexius Health further provides various benefits for employees. This includes flexible spending accounts and health savings account options, business travel, among others.

$100M to $500M
Multiple locations
General Hospitals, Outpatient Care Centers
What departments CHI St. Alexius Health employees work at?
other occupation40.1%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do CHI St. Alexius Health employees have before joining?
Years of experience at CHI St. Alexius Health: Newcomers: 28%, Experiencers: 21%, Experts: 23%, Veterans: 28%. CHI St. Alexius Health employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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Where did CHI St. Alexius Health employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before CHI St. Alexius Health: Cascade Rehabilitation Associates LLC, Coventry Health Care, an Aetna Company, Jamestown Regional Medical Center. Typical CHI St. Alexius Health employees have worked at Cascade Rehabilitation Associates LLC.
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Cascade Rehabilitation Associates LLC
Coventry Health Care, an Aetna Company
Jamestown Regional Medical Center
What industries did CHI St. Alexius Health employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of CHI St. Alexius Health: General Hospitals, Outpatient Care Centers, Niche Health Practitioners Companies, Home Health Care Services Companies, Hospital. CHI St. Alexius Health employees most likely come from a General Hospitals industry background.
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Where did CHI St. Alexius Health employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at CHI St. Alexius Health: Small: 27%, Medium: 22%, Large: 51%. Most CHI St. Alexius Health employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at CHI St. Alexius Health study?
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Where did employees at CHI St. Alexius Health study?
Bismarck State College
Medcenter One College of Nursing
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at CHI St. Alexius Health?
Time employed at CHI St. Alexius Health: <1: 13%, 1-3: 27%, 4-8: 37%, 9-13: 7%, 14-20: 6%, 20+: 10%. Most CHI St. Alexius Health employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does CHI St. Alexius Health rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at CHI St. Alexius Health: 35.6% Male and 64.4% Female. Age ratio at CHI St. Alexius Health: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 37%, 31-40: 31%, 41-50: 19%, 51-60: 12%, 60+: 1%. CHI St. Alexius Health rates - 3.4% more female than the industry average. Most CHI St. Alexius Health employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does CHI St. Alexius Health rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at CHI St. Alexius Health: low. CHI St. Alexius Health ranks low for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do CHI St. Alexius Health employees go on to work at?
Future employers of CHI St. Alexius Health: Aetna, a CVS Health Company, Aureus Medical, Catholic Health Initiatives, Conifer Health Solutions, Corridor. People who work at CHI St. Alexius Health most typically go on to work for the Aetna, a CVS Health Company.
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Aetna, a CVS Health Company
Aureus Medical
Catholic Health Initiatives
Conifer Health Solutions

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CHI St. Alexius Health Reviews and Ratings

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December 7, 2021
Was okay, but didn’t hold up what was expected
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
This company was okay to work for, the boss at the time was phenomenal. The higher ups (managers) were awful. Biased, they treated their employees like they were incompetent. No room for growth as they always seem to be saving a “quick buck” A lot of their senior employees need retrained, and they refused to increase pay based off of review. They would have meetings with individuals where they were yelled at. Then would have other employees forced into emailing stories to help with their “discipline “ I wouldn’t work here again until the managers were evaluated.

Pros and Cons
Good hours for family time. 7-5
Poor management personnel, and lack of professionalism.
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Discussion about CHI St. Alexius Health

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gender breakdown at CHI St. Alexius Health?
Liam Brown3 years ago
gender ratio is 64.4% female, 35.6% male.
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When was CHI St. Alexius Health founded?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What industry does CHI St. Alexius Health belong to?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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How much revenue does CHI St. Alexius Health generate?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
$100m to $500m.
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what are the chances of career advancement at CHI St. Alexius Health?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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How long do people usually work for CHI St. Alexius Health?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did CHI St. Alexius Health employees work for?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Large companies before CHI St. Alexius Health.
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving CHI St. Alexius Health?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Aetna, a CVS Health Company, Aureus Medical, Catholic Health Initiatives, Conifer Health Solutions, Corridor, Mid Dakota Clinic, North Dakota Department of Transportation, Sanford Health.
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Who are the top previous employers of CHI St. Alexius Health employees?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Cascade Rehabilitation Associates LLC, Coventry Health Care, an Aetna Company, Jamestown Regional Medical Center, PRACS Institute, Riverview Health, Sanford Health, St. Alexius Medical Center, University of Mary.
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Does anyone know the average age of employees at CHI St. Alexius Health?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Here’s an estimate I found for CHI St. Alexius Health: 21-30, 31-40.
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Where did most of CHI St. Alexius Health employees go to school?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Bismarck State College, Medcenter One College of Nursing, North Dakota State University-Main Campus, The University of North Dakota, University of Mary.
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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