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Lumber Liquidators (NYSE: LL) began in 1993 when Tom Sullivan, a building contractor, began purchasing excess wood that other companies didn't need and reselling it from the back of a trucking yard in Stoughton, Massachusetts. The company found its niche market in hardwood flooring. The first store opened on January 5, 1996 in West Roxbury, Massachusetts selling 150 sq ft of flooring the first day. Eight months later, a second store opened in Hartford, Connecticut and from there the increase continued.

Company - Public
$1B to 2B
Multiple locations
Niche Manufacturers, Wood Manufacturers, Retail - Building Material & Supply Companies
Dennis Knowles
What departments Lumber Liquidators employees work at?
other occupation45.5%
Sales Managers & Supervisors33.4%
General and Operations Managers16%
Management - Other5.1%
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Retail - Building Material & Supply Companies
Large size
Motor Vehicle Retailers
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Lumber Liquidators employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Lumber Liquidators: Newcomers: 18%, Experiencers: 13%, Experts: 22%, Veterans: 47%. Lumber Liquidators employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Lumber Liquidators employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Lumber Liquidators: Advance Auto Parts, Best Buy, Circuit City. Typical Lumber Liquidators employees have worked at Advance Auto Parts.
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Advance Auto Parts
Best Buy
Circuit City
What industries did Lumber Liquidators employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Lumber Liquidators: Niche Retailers, Retail - Building Material & Supply Companies, Lumber & Construction Material Wholesalers, Appliance & Electronics Companies, Clothing Retailers. Lumber Liquidators employees most likely come from a Niche Retailers industry background.
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Where did Lumber Liquidators employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Lumber Liquidators: Small: 24%, Medium: 9%, Large: 67%. Most Lumber Liquidators employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Lumber Liquidators study?
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Where did employees at Lumber Liquidators study?
Christopher Newport University
James Madison University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Lumber Liquidators?
Time employed at Lumber Liquidators: <1: 10%, 1-3: 27%, 4-8: 44%, 9-13: 17%, 14-20: 2%, 20+: 0%. Most Lumber Liquidators employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Lumber Liquidators rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Lumber Liquidators: 81.7% Male and 18.3% Female. Age ratio at Lumber Liquidators: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 34%, 31-40: 32%, 41-50: 21%, 51-60: 11%, 60+: 2%. Lumber Liquidators rates - 25.7% less female than the industry average. Most Lumber Liquidators employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at Lumber Liquidators?
Top roles of Lumber Liquidators: Store Manager, Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Regional Manager, Sales Manager. The top role at Lumber Liquidators is Store Manager.
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Store Manager
Regional Sales Manager
Regional Manager
Sales Manager

Career advancement

How does Lumber Liquidators rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Lumber Liquidators: high. Lumber Liquidators ranks high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Lumber Liquidators employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Lumber Liquidators: Bob's Discount Furniture, Cabinets To Go, Fastenal, Floor & Decor, Lowe's. People who work at Lumber Liquidators most typically go on to work for the Bob's Discount Furniture.
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Bob's Discount Furniture
Cabinets To Go
Floor & Decor

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What’s the stock symbol of Lumber Liquidators?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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When was Lumber Liquidators established?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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What industry is Lumber Liquidators in?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What’s the gender distribution at Lumber Liquidators?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
18.3% female, 81.7% male.
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What’s the main location of Lumber Liquidators?
Liam Brown3 years ago
It’s Toano, VA.
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How much revenue does Lumber Liquidators generate?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
$1b to 2b.
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Who is the CEO of Lumber Liquidators?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Dennis Knowles.
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What’s the average length of tenure at Lumber Liquidators?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Typically 4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Lumber Liquidators employees work for?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Large companies before Lumber Liquidators.
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what are the chances of career advancement at Lumber Liquidators?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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Top future employers of Lumber Liquidators employees?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Bob's Discount Furniture, Cabinets To Go, Fastenal, Floor & Decor, Lowe's, ProSource Wholesale, SolarCity, The Tile Shop, Inc..
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Where did employees work before joining Lumber Liquidators?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Advance Auto Parts, Best Buy, Circuit City, hhgregg, Lowe's, Sears Holdings Corp., The Home Depot, Walmart.
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What’s the average age at Lumber Liquidators?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
21-30, 31-40.
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Where did most of Lumber Liquidators employees go to school?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Christopher Newport University, James Madison University, Old Dominion University, University of Virginia-Main Campus, Virginia Commonwealth University.
You comment as
If you have a working brain, it's an ok place to work for a few years.
9 months ago
it's a good place to gain some experience.
9 months ago
Don't stay at a single place too long.
You comment as
Getting people their new flooring was great because they were always happy to have it
8 months ago
Customer becomes more happy when they find the design they are looking for.😊
8 months ago
U must be able to convince them to buy what they like.
You comment as
plus sides: reasonable PTO and benefits.
9 months ago
Any other plus side please?πŸ™‹
9 months ago
and what about negative side?
You comment as
My associates and coworkers makes the job 1000x easier than what it is, my manager is the best and pretty relatable
8 months ago
everything is possible with support of manager & colleagues.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Great managers to work under & learn from them.😊
You comment as
poor management techniques for lack of better words. The pay and compensation isn't bad. The hours are great actually.
10 months ago
The management has changed its way to handle the customers and employees now.😊
10 months ago
The pay is great but employees makes more from commissions.
You comment as
To be honest I love my job but if I didn't have my amazing SM I don't think I’d love it as much.
8 months ago
Your SM is your key to success within the company.😊
8 months ago
unfortunately my SM played favoritism.
You comment as
someone told me about training that company offers. I am very excited for it😍
9 months ago
great opportunity to learn😊
9 months ago
I m working here for long time and i always appreciate how they train their employeesπŸ˜‡
You comment as
It's biggest weakness was in previous Executive Management decisions and poor standards and infrastructure.
9 months ago
They have rebranded their company so many new things will come in action now.😊
9 months ago
It was of no good to work under the previous Executive management but now things are pretty good and smooth.
You comment as
Managers and coworkers became like friends and family. Great support from managers and coworkers.
9 months ago
Impossible target becomes easy to achieve when u work as a team and help each other.
9 months ago
This kind of environment will make come easy day even on holiday.
You comment as
Join the company if you can. Did I mention one of the best employee benefit packages around. 401K match also...Free $$$$.
9 months ago
The management wants their employees to succeed.😊
9 months ago
Success may not be guaranteed but good experience u will get there 100%.
You comment as
The biggest strength is the hardworking and dedicated people working there.😊
8 months ago
Everyone works hard when the pay is good and there is monthly bonus on sales.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
The job gets demanding but we managed it very well with the support from management.
You comment as
The new CEO really respects the employees and is not afraid to listen and take action immediately.
9 months ago
I admire the quick action of CEO on complaints from customers & employees.😊
9 months ago
CEO should be fearless if the company wants to survive in the industry.
You comment as
I was searching for the average length of tenure for the employees. i have heard that most of the employees don't stay here for more than a year ☹
8 months ago
i think you heard it wrongπŸ˜’
8 months ago
most of my collegues are working here for minimum 3 yrsπŸ˜‘
You comment as
Would be nice if there were more encouragement for people to "play nice" and work as a team together.😊
8 months ago
Management encourages the employees who give them good sales.
8 months ago
Management always encourages the employees to work as a team.
You comment as
The original management was very sub par and the ASM members were the real leaders. I eventually became an ASM
9 months ago
ASM plays a vital role in generating the sales from a store.
9 months ago
My ASM was reliable & very cooperative, he shows me the way to handle the customers more effectively.
You comment as
accountability goes a long way toward boosting the morale of the team.
8 months ago
At Least the management recognize the work and efforts of their employees.😊
8 months ago
Working as a team will ultimately boost your morale to participate more.πŸ™‚
You comment as
There are always opportunities to advance and the potential to make more money through a monthly bonus.
8 months ago
Opportunity for everyone to grow & prosper in life.
8 months ago
One can easily excel their career working there.😊
You comment as
If you're single without children and have a flexible schedule then this is the perfect job for you.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Job is too demanding but pay is not fair.
8 months ago
Pay is fair and u can make mostly from commission.
You comment as
Started working in June 2021 and I've learned alot about flooring and things that I can use in my everyday life
9 months ago
Still working there or just left?πŸ˜’
9 months ago
u can definitely learn carpentry r designs there.😊
You comment as
The training was mainly from a computer software. You really just go off of what the other workers are doing and try to not adopt any bad habits.
9 months ago
Training should be physical with better communication.
9 months ago
There are always some rotten apples so don't follow them r u will become like them.
You comment as
Great company to work for! Plenty of room for growth! The company really cares about their employees and their customers.
8 months ago
They really do concern their employees on their improvement and their career.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Room for advancement as it is low staffed.😊
You comment as
If they didn't relocate to Sandston I would still be working for the company. The pay was great and benefits
8 months ago
They don't force anyone to stay, the process is easy if anyone wants to leave.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Working out of the state is compulsory to get the promotion and uplift the career.
You comment as
Current store manager is a great guy and makes it easy working there
8 months ago
Nothing to complain about manager as he builts my career.😊
8 months ago
Where is your current store located?
You comment as
If your store is ran poorly but still makes volume sales nothing will be done to improve the way it's ran.
8 months ago
At Least they should keep the store more cozy & welcoming.
8 months ago
They use most of their warehouses as stores but not for everyone.😊
You comment as
The store manager was more concerned with the numbers than the customers or the people under him.
8 months ago
Difficult to work for long period under these kinds of manager.
8 months ago
Not anyone of u complaint about it to the management.
You comment as
I have heard they offer 401k with 5% company match
9 months ago
Company matched up to 5%.πŸ‘
9 months ago
The company matches up to 5% of contributions that you make. Great way to build up your retirement for your future.
You comment as
Staff is great, the manager very supportive (a very good friend now), customers great, and understanding if you need to do somethingπŸ™‚
9 months ago
My manager was also very kind & supportive to me as well as to the other employees.
9 months ago
Ur relation with the manager depends on your input & behaviour with customers.
You comment as
Company is great in regards to pay if you're higher up in the chain.
9 months ago
Good pay only for managers and above.😊
9 months ago
Not a good pay if u have a family that depends on u.
You comment as
This job will teach you much about flooring, different types of flooring and different applications.😊
9 months ago
Design section is always looking for innovative people.
9 months ago
U should know the basics at least before entering in this industry.
You comment as
Generous PTO that accrues quickly, along with some of the best insurance benefits in the industry.😊
9 months ago
PTO are great to spend some quality time with the family.πŸ™‚
9 months ago
What can i say, if they r giving so much.
You comment as
Your paid a pretty good wage but depending on how busy you are either running around like crazy or doing nothing at all.😊
8 months ago
If u just want to pass the time with no r little work, join them as sales associates.
8 months ago
No heavy work is required as flooring will be loaded & unloaded bt the store crewπŸ™‚.
You comment as
The job is demanding at times but overall it is a really good employer.
8 months ago
The job is demanding but not stressful at all.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
It gets demanding due to short staff and when workload is more.
You comment as
Very easy to learn the systems and management will assist with getting individuals setup for success😊
8 months ago
Their work methods are easy to understand and exercise.
8 months ago
No hard labor is required at LL Flooring unless u applied for store.πŸ™‚
You comment as
Everyone was a team and enjoyable place to work. Everyone has a chance to contribute to their ability.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Managers also takes part in the work with their staff.
8 months ago
Everyone tries to contribute their maximum in the team work.
You comment as
in-depth training program to make you feel completely comfortable with the product and processes, plus additional training to keep everyone refreshed.
9 months ago
This is the most important thing to learn new things about the industry u r going to enter.😊
9 months ago
What kind of additional training they provide to keep everyone refreshed?
You comment as
One of my friend told me that the interview process is not that hard. I was making up my mind accordingly
8 months ago
Simple, they seemed very nice and they answered any questions I had. Had the interview and a few days later I started in the same week. 😊
8 months ago
Face to face, and it was very informal and easy. It was pleasurable and not intimidating. πŸ˜‡
You comment as
Relaxed environment. Paid weekly, opportunity for fast advancement.
8 months ago
They will only show u the direction but u have to make ur own way.😊
8 months ago
They pay weekly with PTO and that shows the behavior of management.
You comment as
Not a bad company to work for but they ask a lot from their associates. So expect to work hard and fill many roles.
9 months ago
The job is too demanding but the pay is good with advancement opportunities if u prove ur worth.
9 months ago
With hard work & challenging opportunities comes the great rewards & promotions.πŸ™‚
You comment as
Job is pretty easy most of the time but being retail comes with issues that arise from time to time.
9 months ago
with new issues comes the new solutions so don't worry.πŸ™‚
9 months ago
Perfection is impossible to achieve as the world demands innovation with conservation.
You comment as
I've moved up twice in the span of a year and am now making almost double what I used to.
8 months ago
Worked there two years but didn't get the promotion.
8 months ago
u must be the apple of their eye.
You comment as
Since we sell nothing but floors we are at the whims of whom ever walks in the door. The training is far superior to other flooring companies.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
U should also add some by products as well along with flooring.
8 months ago
Atleast, they should start providing the installation services as well.πŸ™‚
You comment as
Overtime is nearly constant in busy stores. But you'll have at most 6 employees
9 months ago
More employees will generate more sales and also lessen the burden of other employees.😊
9 months ago
More employees means more expense for the management.
You comment as
Being understaffed I think was the worst part of the job. Every time we hired someone they wouldn't last long.
8 months ago
focus on the issue, resolve it & then go for hiring.😊
8 months ago
it will remain understaffed unless u point out the issue & resolve it.
You comment as
We really do know what we are talking about. You try to get as many people as possible to have us come to their house for quotes on install.
8 months ago
All of their employees understands the demands of customers.😊
8 months ago
They have a huge variety of Flooring.
You comment as
Selling flooring and molding all day and helping customers find their dream floors. Best company I've worked for.😊
9 months ago
every customer has different taste so it becomes difficult to convince them.πŸ™‚
9 months ago
Still remember the day when i made first sale of my career there.
You comment as
I've heard that the compensation is quite fair. I'm happy to hear that.
8 months ago
the pay is very competitive πŸ‘
8 months ago
Good pay and good culture😍
You comment as
Overall it's a decent retail gig. Just don't expect improvements or to move up unless you're willing to uproot your life and move across the country.😊
9 months ago
A decent place to earn & learn with advancement of career and challenging opportunities.
9 months ago
Moving across the country and working at different locations is necessary to uproot your career with them.πŸ™‚
You comment as
You must be willing to move possibly out of state if you want to move up in the company.
10 months ago
How many states they are currently operating their stores?πŸ™‹
10 months ago
Working in different states shows the growth of the company.
You comment as
The staff is remarkably knowledgeable about all aspects of flooring and they really do try to make sure customers get the right product for their needs.
8 months ago
Sometimes customers gets confused on what to select, so we jump in and guide them what they really need.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
They make sure that each of their employee has proper knowledge of their products.
You comment as
Great management and hours. Great insurance and leave time. Work was usually easy unless we were short staffed and busy.
9 months ago
Their vacation leaves were the best part to take time off from duty.😊
9 months ago
Take vacations and spend some time with your family.
You comment as
I was considered one of the best managers in the company by my DM's and DVD's
10 months ago
They do consider the employees who gives their 100% without any favoritism.😊
10 months ago
Much respect from the management for hard working employees.
You comment as
great place to work at, great co-workers, helped customers all day to find the perfect flooring. there is a work/ life balance. manager was always helpful.
8 months ago
Managers plays a vital role in developing the place and making the environment comfortable.
8 months ago
Customers are humble and they will ask the staff for their suggestions.
You comment as
The benefits are fantastic and the pay is very competitive with a lot of opportunity for upward mobility.😊
8 months ago
If u r hardworking person u will definitely make your career there.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Nothing is impossible to achieve here with hard work & dedication.
You comment as
At lumber liquidators you work with the crew of three people to run the entire store everyone personal and it’s very easy to get work done.
8 months ago
Things gets easy to manage when the no. of opinions for execution is low.
8 months ago
No one gets into argument with each other because they know they have to manage the things at their own.
You comment as
You normally get 2 days off but if someone goes on vacation you'll be lucky if you get one day off.
9 months ago
Everyone is allowed to take vacation so just avail the facility.😊
9 months ago
They offer paid vacations to their employees.
You comment as
Pay is okay for what you're doing unless you're a store manager then your pay is incredible especially if you qualify for the bonus structure.
9 months ago
Store manager pay is in accordance with his management capabilities. but he doesn't get the commission.😊
9 months ago
Store manager job is hectic & more demanding so his pay is incredible.
You comment as
we take the time to learn about their businesses and make sure we can be your main source for flooring in their projects
8 months ago
Do they also pay in the training period r they count them as working hours?
8 months ago
They also arrange digital training for their employees through software.😊
You comment as
upper management tries their hardest, depending the regional and there culture they push that determines your time there.😊
8 months ago
No stones left unturned regarding the development of employees from management side.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
The management pushes their employees towards success and achievement.
You comment as
Can definitely yourself up in the company but there was issues with being low staff and having no help can be stressful
8 months ago
How many persons work in a store?
8 months ago
Why they keep the low staff everywhere?
You comment as
Friendly enough environment but seems like little room for advancement.
10 months ago
No complain as they promoted me within a year.
9 months ago
Everyone can advance with them just give ur 100%.
You comment as
I was with the company for 13 years and was a top performing SM for 2 years straight and Top 5 profiting store in the company year after year the last 7 years.
8 months ago
With that much experience & achievements, u should be among the directors.
8 months ago
Be happy with what u got.😊
You comment as
Clear upward mobility. Management cares. Respectful environment. Great pay and benefits. Clear goals and ways to get there.
9 months ago
Achieve the goal and get the reward from the manager.😊
9 months ago
Everything is predescribed, just join them and go with the flow.
You comment as
Days go by pretty quick, it's fun to help people with their projects. Sales and warehouse combined.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
We become more happy when our customer is satisfied and happy.
8 months ago
Working with different departments brings more knowledge.😊
You comment as
I believe the work environment is always dependent on the SM and she makes all the difference!
9 months ago
What kind of responsibilities SM fulfills?πŸ™‹
9 months ago
Good to hear that there are females also in this industry and at this position.
You comment as
What is a typical day like for you at the company?
9 months ago
Very stressfulπŸ˜’
9 months ago
Open to close 5 days a week.
You comment as
I'm just wondering what is the promotion process like here
9 months ago
You do good work and get recognized for it
9 months ago
Long and broken. We have employees who have been there for 3+yes without recieving raises or promotions
You comment as
challenging and fair opportunities for promotion
8 months ago
Be ready to sacrifice your holidays also.
8 months ago
There is room for everyone to promote & excel in career.πŸ™‚
You comment as
Overall it’s a good company with great benefits. Wish the pay was better though.
8 months ago
Increment is not according to the inflation.
8 months ago
i guess they offer pretty good pay along with commission & bonuses.😊
You comment as
The company has a clear direction but poor execution.
8 months ago
It depends on u, how u execute & perform on the floor.
8 months ago
It's not good for career to expect everything from management.
You comment as
great place to work for those who want a steady job with reliable income. can be repetitive but is expected of retail
9 months ago
a job is job, we cannot do anything about it if is is repetitive.
9 months ago
I suggest to change ur location after every year to get some different exposure.πŸ™‚
You comment as
Great work hours, mostly easy work, but it can get stressful. Management was great but we were understaffed.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Some finds it as an opportunity to earn more.😊
8 months ago
Learning work and it gets easy when u r completely trained.
You comment as
Sometimes there is a lot of pressure to hit the numbers, wait on customers, answer the phone and finish all the other paperwork needed.
9 months ago
Sometimes it becomes a mess and we don't know what to do.
9 months ago
Managers are there for u to handle these kinds of situations.😊
You comment as
When traffic is good corporate is happy, when it is bad you better have some career options ready
9 months ago
It's a complete lie.
9 months ago
Never had seen anything like this in my time at LL Flooring.
You comment as
There is also diversity from the CEO down to the lowest level employee. I highly recommend this company.
9 months ago
if someone asks me about the job with good culture, i always say it's LL Flooring.😊
9 months ago
I have worked there almost 3 years and this company has the most diversified culture.πŸ™‚
You comment as
I was wondering about PTO. Some employers don't even consider this..
9 months ago
On paper there is 2 weeks of PTO after the first year and after 5 years you have 5 weeks of PTO. 😊
9 months ago
Only six paid holidays but this is retail. After five years with the company you have five week of vacation per year.πŸ˜‡
You comment as
I started at the lowest position in the company, with hard work and the support of my managers was I able to earn my own store.
9 months ago
From lowest position to Store incharge r manager, what an achievement it is.
8 months ago
And how much time it took for u to reach that level?
You comment as
the job itself is a cakewalk. You will learn everything you could think of about floors. The selling aspect of the job is simple
9 months ago
Customers comes and u just have to show and guide them about the design of floor.
9 months ago
The job is easy but it is learning if u seek learning aspects.
You comment as
It's too bad they don't have their own installation team to be able to finish out projects and ensure customer satisfaction. That's an area where they miss the mark.
9 months ago
The should properly cover the whole area, from floor making to installation.
9 months ago
The contractors mostly ruins the design of floor.πŸ˜’
You comment as
I spent over a year with LL flooring and was overall decently satisfied with the company for the most part.😊
8 months ago
Finally there is something they changed.
8 months ago
Work is easy as it does not include any complexity.πŸ™‚
You comment as
I've worked for this company for over 8 years and have seen countless changes. They take care of their people.
8 months ago
Countless changes means they do experiments at different location?πŸ™‹
8 months ago
They really help their employees through their thick & thin.
You comment as
Decent place to work for entry level applicants, hire from within and eventually run own store.
8 months ago
Monthly bonus & commission on sales are your savings.
8 months ago
Good place with enjoyable environment for college students.
You comment as
the most enjoyable part of my job is the people you meet. you learn a lot about remodeling from other peers and pro customers.😊
9 months ago
There were never rude customers.πŸ™‚
9 months ago
Mostly families comes there to select the design of floor for their new home.
You comment as
The company is going through a rebranding, so change is to be expected, but the direction seems to change constantly
9 months ago
Is the management changing too along with the branding?
9 months ago
They should get rid off their old policies and whole new system should be allocated.
You comment as
I have a degree of bachelors of sceince and i have applied here. i hope i'll get the job😊
9 months ago
yes. there are career opportunities with this degreeπŸ‘
9 months ago
don't worry. you'll get the jobπŸ‘Š
You comment as
Community pool is not the same as commission therefore people do not stay when led on to work for the company.
9 months ago
The management should do something about it.
9 months ago
It ain't their problem.
You comment as
its Cool group of people working there. Pay is okay, could do better, but the work is very easy.😊
9 months ago
Great group of people to work with.
9 months ago
Everything seems easy when u get comfortable.
You comment as
Staffing is an issue, we just have a hard time finding quality people.
9 months ago
We get lots of resumes but only some of them possess the quality.
9 months ago
Some joins but they leave soon as they find better opportunity.
You comment as
What is the work environment and culture like at the company?
9 months ago
You can never do enough
9 months ago
Work culture is difficult to understand.
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There are some really great people that are team-oriented and enjoyable to work withπŸ™‚
9 months ago
Teamwork makes the work easy to handle & environment more comfortable.😊
9 months ago
Miss my team at LL Flooring, still remember the day when we as a team achieve the target.
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the work life culture is dictated by what region you are in as everything comes down from the regional manager.😊
9 months ago
u have to manage your work life culture, it doesn't depend on regional manager.πŸ™‚
9 months ago
At my location, the work life culture was remarkable & justified.
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The tasks of the job are not hard to complete. Even the least of the workers gets paid enough.
9 months ago
Pay is good and much better than the others.πŸ™‚
9 months ago
Nothing is difficult here at LL Flooring.
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My position was freelance by the project so it is hard to know what the full-time environment was like.
8 months ago
As a freelancer, u were just doing their work?
8 months ago
How much they pay to work from home?
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Every person I talked to is impressed with the health coverage. 😍
8 months ago
Cheap and comprehensive. Various options available.πŸ‘
8 months ago
Low cost insurance accepted every were😍
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we are able to meet and learn about customers on a personal level as well to further exceed their flooring needs.😊
9 months ago
Not a bad place to learn about the customers and understand their needs.
9 months ago
It's not an easy job to convince the customers but with experience it becomes easy.
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I wanna know about advancement opportunities. I am really concerned about making my careerπŸ˜•
9 months ago
opportunity for fast advancement.πŸ‘
9 months ago
fair opportunities for promotionπŸ˜‡
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Great Job, good communication and great pay.😊
9 months ago
Communication is the best part there.πŸ™‚
9 months ago
No barriers in communication at LL Flooring.
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I have checked from the website that there are more men working here. I wonder if they'll consider me for the job😟
8 months ago
AFIK, there is no discrimination 😊
8 months ago
don't worry. there is no such gender barrier😌
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You do have some downtime during the day, but expect to be busy 100% of it.
8 months ago
We do the store work in the morning when there arrives only few customers.
8 months ago
Not so busy in the evening or afternoon as well.
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the enjoyment was speaking to fellow peers that felt the same.πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Everyone working under the same roof will have same thoughts.😊
8 months ago
Time spent easily speaking with each others.
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It started out rough because of how much I needed to learn about flooring but once I caught on it was a breeze.
8 months ago
Learning is important to grow and succeed in any industry.😊
8 months ago
now this work will be like nothing to u.
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if your a Warehouse associate expect to do the majority of the heavy lifting due to being apart of a 4 person team.
8 months ago
Atleast, they should give u a helper to do these kinds of tasks.πŸ˜’
8 months ago
Only 4 persons in a team at a whole store or in a department?πŸ™‹
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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